Taking the Blame

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"I don't know if they will accept this."
"Give me that, before anything happens."
"No, you won't understand ever."


She was so pretty. Link found himself mesmerised by it whenever she walked past, whenever he got to stand beside her. Her hair was shiny and soft-looking, and her smile, though rarely seen, was radiant.

But Zelda's beauty wasn't the first thing Link noticed about her, all those years ago. The first thing he noticed was how sad she seemed.

He had been a knight for nine years, and a champion for almost seven. Zelda had been a princess her whole life. It was a heavy burden to carry as a teenager. He could only imagine how it felt to have such a burden as a child. He remembered she was only six when she had to grow up. It wasn't fair. He wished he could fix it.

"I don't know if they'll accept this," Zelda said.

"They don't have a choice," he replied. He was trying to sound comforting, but worried it came across as harsh. "You didn't awaken your powers. That's that. No amount of fussing will help, so if they try, I'll stop it. Okay?"

"I don't see how you could stop them. They're high Priestesses, they outrank everyone but my father."

"I have a plan."

"Do tell?"

He didn't get a chance. The priestesses entered the room.

Link hated the way they looked at Zelda, like she simply wasn't trying hard enough to awaken her powers, and a stern talking to would put some sense into her and make her focus.

The priestesses walked in with one already scolding another. She snatched a colorful stone from her hand.

'Good goddess, how could Hylia have approved these women to speak for her?' Link thought. The answer, he knew, was the same reason Zelda didn't have her powers yet; because the goddess was cruel.

"Give me that, before anything happens," the head priestess snapped as she snatched the trinket from her co-priestess. "I swear, the two of you will be the death of me. That is, if the Calamity doesn't kill me first."

She turned back to Zelda. She put her hands on her hips, the stone pressed against the white fabric of her ceremonial gown. Link couldn't help but think Zelda pulled the look off better. "Speaking of. I just don't know how to explain it to you. Your family, your friends, your kingdom; you are failing all of them. I don't see how you don't understand. Do you just not want to understand? Or are you just a natural born failure?"

"I understand, High Priestess."

"I'm beginning to think... no, you won't understand ever. If you—"

"It was my fault." Link said. The other priestesses gasped. Link was sure they hadn't heard him speak before. "I bumped into her while she was praying. I'm not perfect. I doubt any of you are, either. So instead of berating the princess until you feel better about yourselves, let us turn our attention to the matter at hand; praying to awaken Her Highness Princess Zelda's sacred powers, as is your sacred duty."

The priestess turned to Link. She looked enraged. "I don't recall the Princess giving you permission to speak."

"My bad."

"You really need to mind your tongue. We are your elders and priestesses, champion. The Goddess may favor you, but that doesn't entitle you to disrespect the princess or us. The Goddess speaks through us, and you may not disrespect the goddess. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

"That's High Priestess. That is what you may call me."

"Oh? My apologies. Hmm... What were we talking about?"

The priestesses didn't seem to have any words. A rarity, for her.

"I remember!" Link exclaimed, "We were all about to pray together."

As everyone (sans Link) joined hands in prayer, Zelda mouthed her thanks. The relief on her face was beautiful. Link was glad he was able to put it there.

"Anytime, my love," he mouthed back, grateful the priestesses had their eyes closed to pray. "Anytime."

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