My bloody brother

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Navy pov

Halloween luckily falls on Saturday and a Hogsmeed. Bad part Remus and I have to patroll if any couples shagging. Why we would of done it when we were sixteen that just makes us hippocrates.

Harry's staying with us as he's not allowed to go to Hogsmeed with Sirius on the loose. He seemed a little disappointed. "Why are you and uncle Moony not going to Hogsmeed?" Harry asks us.
"We can go whenever. Last time we went was in late September besides it's late October," I say.

At around five pm we get an owl from Dumbledore. I had to take my self off Remus' lap to go get. "Come on!" I explain as I see the letter. Remus walked over and hugged me from behind. "What is it?" He asked. "My bloody brother broke into the Gryffindor common room," I say. Remus groans in frustration. "We have to go and patroll," I say.

We got changed locked our door and went opposite ways. Luckily no students were out of bed. Especially Harry. James could probably take down Sirius and with me and Remus.

I was walking with my Lumos spell on the top of my wand. "Sirius. Are you here?" I call through the hall. No response. Ugh. Where is he. He could be any where.

Then I bumped heads with someone. "Jesus Remus," I say when we fall back. He leands me a hand to help me get up. "You suck," I joke. He pretends a sward stabs his heart. "I'm offended you'd think such a thing," he says.

We were walking back as our patrolling was over. "It feels weried not going to your grave stone," Remus says.
"Lovely," I say. Remus chuckles.
"Look I didn't mean it like that," he says. I roll my eyes.
"Sure you didn't," I say.
"I think we should continue what we started?" I asked. Remus chuckles.

A few days later and I wake up to Remus standing Infront of me with a cake. "Aw darling," I say and grab my cake. Remus goes round the over side of the bed and I take a bite like I did in our first year. Remus obviously took a hint and pushed my face into the cake.

I roll my eyes and go up to the bathroom to wash my face from the frosting. "Shouldn't you be in class right now?" I ask Remus.
"I've still got a bit of time. Also I'll give you your present tonight," Remus says.

Remus left for class so I decided to annoy James as he doesn't have classes today. "James!" I call knocking annoyingly on his door. Thankfully he opened it my hands were getting saw. "Hey Remus is teaching right now and I'm board," I say.

James let me in as he should he married my best friend. "So anything happening between you and Remus?" James asked. Now that I think of it not much. "Nothing but I want to have a vowel renuel," I say. I've thought of it though never mentioned it to Remus. "Have you told Remus?" James asked. I looked down and shaked my head. "You should tell him," James says. I sigh. I mean Remus wasn't the most open to these ideas. "Maybe. It wouldn't be the same no Peter, Sirius, Alice, Marlene or Dorcas," I said. I missed all of the friends I'd lost in the war. Sirius wasn't lost though.

"What about a kid. You and Remus wanted one mid to late twenty's. Your thirty four," James said. A child. Remus and I didn't really think of that much. "I don't know if Remus would still want one," I say. "Look at me I've changed quiet a lot would be really want a child with me," I say.
"Noncence as much as I hate to say it how often have to two been doing it?" James asked a gross face plastered on his face. "Often," I say. I'm not going to open up about my sex life to my like a brother. "Okay so he's bound to want a child with you."

When Remus came home from teaching it was four pm I have three hours to say this to him. "Remus," I say he turns and looks at me. "Do you want to have a baby still?" I ask. "Are-are you pr-pregnant?" He asked shocked. "No but would you want me to be?" I asked him.
"I-I don't know," he says. Are you fucking kidding me. "You don't know. Remus if I was fucking pregnant you wouldn't know. Aren't you attracted to me any more!?" I ask. "Yes of course I am," he says.
"You said you always wanted to have kids with me," I say confused. He nods.
"Look love we're older now. We're mid thirty's would it really be a good time to start trying?" Remus asked. "Okay how about adoption?" I suggest.
"Maybe after the school year we could start looking," Remus suggested. I nod my head and kiss him lightly.

No sign of Sirius. I know he betrayed us and all though I still care about him. "I'm going to go teach and I'll be back in a bit," I say and left. I thought my class not much has happened. Cap gave me a birthday gift and Neville and Harry. I was very happy with all of them.

I get back to my room and Remus cuddled me in kisses. "Your adorable," I say. He chuckles and shakes his head. "No you are the adorable one," Remus says in a flirty mood. I don't know why. If it's because it's my birthday then that sucks as I want to get used to this.

"I have one more present for you," Remus said. "Aw you didn't have to get me anything else," I said. He shacked his head and pulled out a wrapped box. "Here. Happy birthday," Remus says. I open the box to a golden heart shaped neackless. It has a picture of us going from our first year to seventh. The first three is us hugging and us being platonic then the next few are of us kissing.

It was lovely and I put it on instantly.

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