The first week of teaching

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I wake up a sleeping Remus next to me his eyes shut still in his slumber. Why was he always able to sleep. Of course he was adorable I mean how could he not be.

But this man is being too cute for my liking. I shaked him awake for a good minute and look at that the beast wakes. "Finally. Your awake," I say sighing in relief. "Fuck off it's 7 am," Remus says flipping me off. Fair I deserve it. "No but you could fuck me," I smirk where as Remus just chuckles. "Maybe later," he says as he rolls out of bed.

We get ready me nonstop staring at the man I've become obsessed with. "So you know how my patronus is a red panda," I say as we were putting on our shoes. Remus nods making me continue "It's changed. It's a um it's a wolf now," I say. Remus looks at me and smiles. "You love me beond love?" Remus asks. I nod my head and Remus kisses me.

We go down to breakfast holding hands a lot of students staring. Oh well let them stair. "You two know about eachother then?" Minnie asked.
"Yes Minnie we have," I say and take a seat in-between her and Remus, whilest Remus is next to James. "You two done some 18 plus stuff yet?" James asked. Remus sighs always wanting to avoid these questions. "No but I wish. This one's been a tight arse," I say. James laughs a bit good to know I still have some humor.

My classes don't start till late so I do a little planning. I teach every night and have five classes as only third years and up can take the class.

Remus gets in at four pm I last saw him four hours ago. He looks a bit drained. "You want a hug?" I ask him. He nods and I walk over to him and hug him. "It's alright it's your first day it may not be too easy," I say to him. He nods and kisses the top of my hair.

We end up cuddling in bed when I see the time. "Remus love it's dinner and I have a class to teach after," I say. Remus nods and gets up I smile greatfull to my husband. We get to dinner in comfterbal silence and sit side by side when we get there.

"What year do you have next?" Remus asked me. "5th years," I say. Then I realize that's Capricorns year. "That's Capricorns year right?" I ask Remus he nods. "Don't call her Capricorn though," Remus warns me. "What should I call her?" I ask.
"Call her Cap she's a big prankster apparently," Remus says. I nod knowing I need to remember it.

My class was about to start so I made my way to the astromany tower. "Hello every one I am proffecer Black," I start when I notice something off about  the balcony. "And who put an invisible slime on the balcony?" I ask the class. Every one looks at two twin boys and a girl who looks like Sirius and Addison. "You must be Fred, George and Cap," I say to the three. The class all seemed shocked. "How do you know who we are?" Cap asked.
"Well I knew your parents," I say to the three of them.

Class continued though Cap kept looking at me. I suppose she has a point Addison wasn't the most popular kids and I suppose she met people like James, Lily also on what seems to be Remus before.

After I dismissed my class it was nine pm though Cap chose to stay. "Proffecer," she said after every one had left. "Yes Cap," I say to the girl. She had black hair like Sirius and I thought chocolate brown eyes like her mother. "How did you know my parents?" She asked me.
"Well I'm your dad's sister and thats how I knew him. Then your mum I knew because of your dad," I say.
"Do you believe what people are saying about my dad that he's y'know a murderer," Cap says to me. I fall silent. I don't think he could though there's no over way. "Unfortunately that is the only proof we have so even though I don't think your dad did it there's no over way," I say.

Cap nods and leaves my room. It's nice to have met my niece all grown up after these years. After some marking I see the time and think I should probably go see Remus. I make my way down to where the teachers sleep when I hear noises hushed noises.

I try and creep round the corner.  "Come on Proffecer Blacks right behind the corner!" I hear a whisper shout from one of the twins. "Lumos," I say and my wand lights up. Creeping round the corner i see a broom closet close. How did they know I was their. The map. I told the twins when they were only 2.

I realize they won't come out so I open the door. The twins holding some slime and Addison a piece of parchment. "I will let you continue this prank as long as you tell me what your up to and give me the parchment," I say I'd give the map back if it is. "Well we're pooring the slime all over the Slytherin common room entrance," George starts.
"And Snape's office," Cap adds though I think of the name Snivilly witch makes me chuckle. "And here's the parchment," Fred said Addison handing it over. "I somely swear that I am up to no good," I say and tap the map with my wand. The three look stunned. "Who think told you the incantation?" I ask.

I say the incarnation to make the ink be invisible wish the two Gryffindor's and the Hufflepuff a farewell. Off I went back to mine and Remus' room. This is a good day of teaching.

The week flys by I teach the sixth and fourth years then it's time for the third years. "Bye," I say to Remus and kiss his cheek then off I went to my tower. I see all the students come in too the balcony. Though one boy catches my attention a timid one at the back of the class Alice's son Neville.

I have a few pictures I'm prepared to give Neville once the class ends. I see him working with a Hufflepuff girl named Susan. "Hey Neville do you mind if you stay a bit after class you've done nothing wrong I just need to give you a few things," I say. Neville nods though he still looks shy just like frank.

At the end of the lesson Harry comes and gives me a hug then off he went with the rest of the group. Then Neville comes to my desk. "Now I was close friends with your parents and I know what's happened so hear is a folder full of pictures taken when at school," I say and give him the box. "Thank you so much!"

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