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Remus pov

It's August so I still don't have to go to work witch is lovely as I'm quiet stressed. Why. Well I'm going to Sirius and James today to have permission to ask Navy to marry me. I know that she would of wanted Sirius and James to be told as she hasn't spoken to her father Orion in years.

That day Navy was out shopping with Lily so I had the place to my self. Three days ago I sent an owl to both Sirius and James requesting them to come round. They both let me know they were free and luckily no order meetings have gotten in the way.

I had the ring and the boys should be here any minute now. I was tapping my finger on the box until I saw the two of them. "Hello," James says when he apparates to my living room. "Ever heard of knocking?" I ask though Sirius answered that one for me. "No," Sirius replied as he too apparted into my living room. "Well I have gathered you two today to ask you something," I say. They both nod there heads. "Well what do you want to ask?" Sirius asked me.
"I want to propose to Navy," I say to the two of them. "Yes I'll allow it," James says. That caused a smile on my face I bet ya. "Fine," Sirius mumbles.
"Great . This is the ring," I say to the two of them showing them  the ring I had braught rescentally.

I was very surprised that Sirius said that it was fine. Navy came home a few hours later. Sirius, James and Harry were all still here so Navy rushed and cooed at him. I can't wait till we have one like Harry. "Remus I regret what I said get me pregnant," Navy jokes.
"No do not not until you're married," Sirius winked. God if he ruins this surprise.

The boys and Lily leaves in about an hours time. I give Navy a hug. "So Love how about we go to Hogsmeed then go on a walk?" I propose .
"Yeah we could do that I'll go get ready," she says. Navy being Navy couldn't just get up she put her arse in my face and then walked up to our bedroom. "Wow," I call up to Navy then I hear her sinker.

She comes down in a floral blue skirt, a nice white top simple makeup and a pair of flats. "Ready to go?" She asked. I nodded grabbed the ring box and put it in my jacket pocket.

"Why are you wearing a jacket it's like 30c dagrees?" She asks. Oh shit.
"It may get chilly later as the sun goes down," I save myself. "You never know."
"I guess," Navy says as we arrive at the restaurant.

We both get pasta though I had to force Navy to not getting chicken nuggets as I would of thought I was going to propose to a six year old. "Still wish you let me order chicken nuggets," Navy says bitterly. I chuckle and kiss her knuckles. "I'll let you have chicken nuggets tommorow," I say. She smiles widely at this news. God I love that smile.

We pay then leave and walk around the streets of Hogsmeed joking at the place that we first snogged. "Honeyduckes too," I say. She nods it was impressive our first kiss having something that our first conversation had. "Yeah do you want to recreate it?" She asked them quickly adds, "we don't have too. But-" I cut her off tugging her to the chocolate isle. Then we kiss again and I feel her smile. I lick her bottom lip so she knows what that means. We kiss for another three minutes then we're scared we'll  get caught so we leave.

We got to the end of the street and I knew I had to do it. "Navy." I say and she stops and turns. "Yeah," she says.
"Well I-I wanted to te-tell you something," I stutter. She nods her head allowing me to continue. "Well I wanted to let you know you are the most beautiful, outgoing, kind person I have ever met you're funny incredibly sarcastic girl in the world. You're a great auntie to both your nice and nephew. I hope to have a future family with you and I want build a family with you." I get down on one knee and take out the ring. "So, Navy Walburger Black will you do the honor of being my wife?" I ask.

I see tears coming out of her eyes and she nods. "Yes Remus I will be you're wife on one condition," she says. "What I'll do anything," I say.
"I'm not taking all of Lupin. I'm being Lupin-Black," she says and takes the ring. "Finally!" We both hear in the background. We turn and see McGonagall celebrating. She comes over and congratulating us. "You have won me 50 gallons," McGonagall says earning a chuckle from both of us.

After a catch up with McGonagall we apparate back home and call a few people. I call my parents whilest navy calls our friends. Let's just say my parents are both extremely happy. "My mam's over joyed," I tell her. She laughs a bit.
"I am the best," she says. I nod and peck her lips lightly. "That you are," I say. She laughs and walks up the stairs. "Come in let's go up to bed," she says.

I walk up with her and snuggle up close. "I love your armpits," she mumbles into my armpits. "You might of mentioned it," I say chuckling. "Married life will be great I can see it Remus," Navy says. I can tell she's smiling. "It will be my love nothing will happen," I say to her.

That night I toss and turn thinking about our wedding our married love it will be incredible. I know it the war won't become in between us.

The ring

The ring

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