Vs A Family Reunion

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With a silver spoon, Keith dug into the strawberry cake with the elegance of a diving eagle, and with its same intent.

Scooping up a piece with a strawberry on top, Keith raises it like a bird raises its prey. From visuals alone, he saw glory, from the subtle scent, he sniffed joy. Taking that one bite, was like a rhapsodic sigh of relief.

For that brief moment, his worries were gone, and his mouth couldn't help but to curl into a smile.

Keith:(smiles) Mmmm~



Ashley: So cute~. It's going straight to my caller ID screen...

Walter: Hey, send it to me too. Might be the closest thing to a baby photo I might get.

Picking up his chair, and turning it around, Keith crossed his legs in a cool manner before he continued to eat his strawberry cake facing away from his family.

Ashley: We weren't making fun of you, we were appreciating your cute side.

Keith:(mumbles) I'm not cute...

Aunt Ashley: You're right. You're Adorable!

Keith:(embarrassed growls)


The Samuricks were in the studio apartment of their close relatives. A lovely and quite rich living space, it possessed two floors, three bathrooms, four bedrooms, one large living room, and an open kitchen.

Walter: Uhm... So Aunt Ashley-

Ash: Let's just call me Ash and snip the confusion in the butt.

Walter: Hehe... Alright. Ash. How did you even find out about Keith?

Ash: Well.... Context clues from his fight with the old man... And of course...

Ash: Only their family calls him "old man".

Ace: And it wasn't hard to get confirmation after asking the right people.

Ash: My baby boy here, was so excited to find out he has more family out there.

Ace:(rubs head) You don't have to tell them...

Walter: Well, I'm sure these two are just as excited...

Ashley:(looks away) Yeah, no... I-I'm kinda over these sudden relative reveals...

Keith: I guess...

Walter: Come on guys...

Keith:(glances at Ace)

Ace:(glances back)

Keith:.... You look like you could be tough.

Ace:(smiles) I like to think I am.

Keith: Did your mom train you too?

Ace: Ehh... A bit. Most of what I know is from teaching myself.

Ace: If you want. There's a place on the roof where we can spar.

Keith: Sure.

Walter: Keith, you just got out of a brutal fight.

Keith: Brutal for the other guy...

Walter: You got knocked around like crazy.

Keith: I'm fine. I bit of meditation and I can heal away the injuries.

Ashley: I can teach you this cool instant-healing technique I picked up.

Ace: We aren't fighting to the death. Just a quick spar. I'll go easy on him.

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