Vs America

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It took the better half of a year for all the State tournaments in the country to wrap up.

Healed, feared, and deep in his training, Keith was summoned by a drone that flew into his backyard. It looked like a much more expensive version of the tournament drone.

Drone: Hello Champion of "Insert State"!

Drone: It is time to decide the one who shall represent our land of Freedom! So come on up to Washington DC.

Drone: And face off against your rivals and the current Champion of the United States!!


Punching his tree with the fiery flowing aura of Seisho Flow, Keith cracks the tree.

Keith: I'll be there.

Drone: Faaaantastic!! Anything you'd like to tell the audience back home?

Keith: To the Empress of this world...

Keith: Watch closely.



Swatting the drone away with a little too much force, Keith knocks it through Ashley's window.

Ashely: KEEEITH!!!!


Keith: Crap...

Keith:(looks around)

Keith:(climbs up tree)

Several daggers and the drone fly out of Ashley's broken window and knock Keith out of his tree.

Keith: Whoa!



Keith:(annoyed mumbles)...

(Opening Theme)

The timing of the Country Tournament resulted in Keith being able to leave for summer break whilst Ashley graduated high school, and with the ability to fight her way into any college, she was going to enjoy a paid vacation to Washington.

Walter did the same, attempting to see this event as a chance to spend time with his kids.

Getting out of the airport, Walter shoved all their bags into the taxi and turned around to find his kids were gone.


Reaching over his left shoulder, he finds a sticky note from Keith.

"Going for a walk. Meet you at the hotel."

Reaching over his right shoulder, he finds a sticky note from Ashley.

"Following baby bro, so no trouble. Might also get some coffee. Meet at Mall. Love A. P.S K Loves you too.".

Walter:(sigh)... This is what I get for trying to minimize their phone usage...

Keith finds himself in the center of the city, after walking from the airport, only to discover Ashley sipping a fancy coffee.

Ashley: Why did you walk all the way here?

Keith: I thought there was going to be a fight...

Pointing up, Keith brings Ashley's attention to the sky. At first, she didn't see anything, but after noticing a shape. Above Keith was a semi-seethrough drone.

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