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Requested by: Mitchwithstay23

Quackity's POV:

Ever since I joined a new school, I've had this weird feeling in my stomach. I don't know how to explain it, it's like being watched with a loving and menacing look at the same thing. I feel judged everywhere I go.

I raised my hand because I had to go use the washroom. "Yes Quackity?" Mr. Phil said. He was my favorite teacher even tho he was the math teacher and I hate math. He also had three sons, one of them was in my classes. Speaking of that son, he hadn't shown up to math today.

"May I use the washroom?" I asked. "Yes, you may." he said. I got up and left the class, and the weird feeling of being watched didn't happen in math today.

I was about to walk in the bathroom but someone was talking very loudly, so of course I had to be nosy and listen.

"How dare you even talk to him."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Stupid b!tch. I'm talking about how you even look at Quackity."

I was more interested now that I heard my name.

"We're partners for the science project-"

"I. Don't. Care. I was supposed to be his partner in that project. You just ruined my plan! And you'll have to pay for that."

"I'm sorry but we can't change partners-"

"Oh, oh no. I'm not talking about that. He's mine and you'll learn that."

And I could hear mumbled yelling and stabbing..? Maybe someone knew I was there and decided to play a prank on me. Of course, no one would stab someone else over a silly little project!

I quietly opened the door and walked in the bathroom. I am not joking when I tell you that someone was laying on the ground and Wilbur was stabbing them over and over again. I stood there, frozen. I couldn't move or speak.

"Stupid b!tch. should've learned not to touch what's mine" he said. I swear I could hear how possessive he was in his voice.

Out of nowhere, he turned his head Sharply towards me. "Oh dear.. you're not supposed to be here.." he said getting up and walking towards me. "I'm sorry! Please don't stab me! I didn't see anything! I swear!" I said. I shut my eyes tightly.

"Aw! You look so cute when you're begging.." I felt him grab my face with his bloody hands. Half of my face was now covered in blood.

"Please don't hurt me.." I said. "hurt you? No! Never!" He said. "I-" he cut me off. "Shush now.. too many questions you're asking." He said and I did as asked. "Now. Since I didn't expect you.. I expect some stupid teacher that I wanted to kill. You're going to do everything I say." He said. I nodded.

"Good boy. Now. Sit on the counter and don't touch anything." He said. I was too scared to move. He sighed before picking me up and placing me on the counter.

He started cleaning up the mess and I finally decided to do something. I grabbed my phone and quickly called the police. Even tho Wilbur was right in front of me. How stupid.

He snatched my phone and threw it in the trash. "How fucking dare you even try that. I trusted you." He said staring at me menacingly. "I'm sorry-"

"I told you to shut up. Now, I haven't done this yet. But you're coming with me." He said. I was confused but didn't speak. "Good boy. You're so cute." He said pinning me to counter.

He looked like he was about to kiss me but someone knocked on the door. He wiped the blood off my face. He was confused about why the person didn't just walk in. "Quackity, you've been here for 15 minutes. You're not the type to skip.. what's happening?" Mr. Phil said.

Good thing the door was still closed. Wilbur looked right at me and smirked. "This is fun.. and nerve racking." He whispered in my ear. "I.. uh-" I tried to reply to Phil but Wilbur kissed me and I wasn't even gonna lie. I enjoyed it..

I completely forgot about the murder and focused on Wilbur. But, the door opened and Mr. Phil which was Wilbur's dad, caught us.

"Wil. Off. Now." He said angrily. I still was shocked and looked pale. Wilbur groaned and didn't move but we stopped kissing.  "Quackity, you look a little pale.. did he force you to kiss him." He stared at Wilbur. "No.. I'm just, shocked?.." I said. "Go to the infirmary and ask them to call your parents." He said.

This is why he was my favorite teacher.

"Can I bring him? I don't want him to pass out!" Wilbur said smirking. "Fine. But tonight me and you are talking" he said. He grinned and picked me up. "let the poor man walk." Phil said. Wilbur didn't say anything and left.

"This isn't the way to the infirmary-" I said. "I know, I'm bringing you home as both of your parents are busy." He said. "First, how did you know where I live and second, how do you know that both of my parents are busy?" I asked.

"Oh Quackity.. I know everything about you! I know more about you than you know about yourself!" He said insanely. "Ever since I saw you.. I knew you were meant to be mine. And only mine. I'm so glad you can agree on that!" He said smiling. "Wow, I didn't agree to anything!" I said. "Yes you did! You kissed me back!" He smiled widely.

He started down my street. "okay actually put me down." I demanded. "No! You're sick and need to be home!" He said.

I was freaking out that he knew everything about me and basically killed someone for me.

"Where did I put that spare key.." he said looking through his pockets. He pulled out a spare key TO MY HOUSE.

"How did you get a key?.." I asked. "Hush." He said. He unlocked my front door and walked in. Of course he locked the front door after we walked in.

"How..-"I started. "Hush." He repeated. He placed me on the ground to remove his shoes and I ran. I ran out the back door and into the forest. I wasn't going to let some yandere creep baby me.

Fuck. I don't have my phone. He took it.

I looked behind me and he hasn't there. I climbed a tree and quietly hid there.

I soon saw Wilbur. "Aw! I love the thrill and excitement this gives me! But too bad for you, I have a tracker!" He said.

"I knew you're in this tree." He said walking towards my tree. "Don't be a shy ducky now.." he basically whined.

Before I could even blink, he climbed the tree. "Aw! Look at you, thinking you can hide from me.." he said.

He looked so happy but somewhat mad.

"I just can't get over how you love me back! I thought you'd hate me.." he said. "Huh..?" I asked. "You love me. Right?" He asked. "Sure.." I said. "I knew it! Let's go home.. our home." He said. "No! No! No! Leave me alone!" I said. "But.. don't you love me? And plus, you're sick!" He said. "I'm not sick." I said. "you're pale as a ghost!" He said.

"Why are you doing this..?" I asked. I was about to cry.. again..

"Because, you're mine!"


Quackbur one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon