17 - The Last Legend (last chapter)

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Believe it or not, this is the last chapter!

There still are three special chapters, but I can't make any promise. This translation took me way longer than I expected and I'm sorry for keeping you wait. 

Anyway, this is it, the final chapter of the main story. I hope you enjoyed the ride, even if a bit slow 😅

Here we go ❤

17 - The Last Legend

[Din Thoranee]

"Papa! Papa! Mama is angry!" My child shouts as he enters the hall,

agitated. Both Mama and Papa, and Ken's Papa too, turn to look at him.

I sigh resignedly. I imagined that P'Ken would be angry at all that had happened. I actually had no intention of teasing him, and every time I saw him walking back and forth around the hotel I wanted to pull him to me and hug him. Even when he went to sleep together with Fuu, I went to sneak a look at him I don't know how many times.

It all started six months ago when I went to see him in Hong Kong. I had brought Fuu with me, since he wanted to meet P'Ken. Probably because he has always been an orphan, Fuu always wanted friends and a warm family, although when I had to meet with clients for the land issue or the apartment sale, Fuu had to be alone.

Back in Hong Kong, I had intended to invite P'Ken to live in Taiwan with us. I wished for nothing else beside the three of us. Only, instead of meeting him, I met his father.

"Oh, Khun Luu.. It's been a long time since you came to our restaurant. And is this child your son?" I heard the man's voice behind me as he crossed the street and reached the restaurant. Meanwhile, I stared at P'Ken busy with numerous orders without blinking.

"Yes, sir. He's my son, his name is Fuu," I ducked and said to Fuu, "Say hello to the gentleman, son."

"It's a nice name and also has a nice meaning, happiness." P'Ken's father stroked Fuu's head, then continued talking to me, "By the way, Khun Luu. Have you come to see Ken? Come in and sit down, it's cold out here and you might get sick."

"How was Ken while I was gone...?"

The man seemed surprised by my question.

"As soon as he came back from Thailand a year ago, since you disappeared and didn't come to the restaurant, he was depressed. He didn't keep in touch with anyone in Thailand, but now he seems to be a little better. Is there any problem? Why the question?" The more I listened to his words, the more guilty I felt. Ken was feeling better because of the support of his father, who never abandoned him, but I was selfish for wanting to separate him from this man.

"Do you have some time to talk to me?"

The man had looked toward the restaurant, frowned, then nodded. We took Fuu toward Victoria Bay. The child seemed to like the colorful lights of the illuminated buildings on the opposite shore, and he ran to look at them.

"Sir, I must apologize for always keeping him hidden. I hope you can forgive me for everything that happened."

This was not the first time I had met him. Many years earlier, P'Ken's father had visited us at the apartment. P'Ken had introduced me as his companion. At the time, the man had not seemed happy with the path we had chosen, but he had not opposed his son's wish.

"Is there a problem?" Our eyes looked at Fuu, clinging to me.

"My name is not really Luu. You may find it hard to believe, but I am Din Thoranee, the boy you met a long time ago."

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