6 - Moon reflection

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Chapter 6 - Moon Reflection

Death's voice resounds amid the pouring rain. The bullet of smooth metal pierced the left side of my chest with such force that my exhausted body staggers. I step back and end up down the high cliff.

Our bodies are carried like withered leaves torn from the tree. Everything happens in a split second. Ken falls hitting the branches, which scratch, cut and pierce his arms with their sharp ends scratch, before falling into the strong current of the river.

My condition is no different. The branches made deep cuts in my face and on my neck and legs. Torn clothes have been ripped to shreds. I hit the surface of the water and am dragged by the current.

Although my consciousness is slipping away along with the pain, I keep searching--my exhausted hands flail about looking for Ken's body, aware that all I have left to do is help him. In the end, it's okay if I have to die here. Ken's body appears and disappears in the current. I shout incessantly calling his name, try to dive underwater to look for him.

My cold, powerless body begins to sink as the tears continue to flow... I just pray to the guardian spirit of the forest....

What have I done wrong? All my life I have only protected the forest and the land, but I have failed to protect the only person I have ever loved.

Suddenly, Ken's body appears on the surface, floating on the surface of the water before being carried toward the broken trunk of a tree that lies not far from the shore. I don't believe in demons or forest spirits, but this time it seems like a miracle. I swim in the current toward the unconscious body and drag him with difficulty to the shore. I check his breathing and heartbeat.

At least, luckily, Ken is not in serious condition from the water impact, but for his safety I must find a way to get him to the hospital as soon as possible. I pick up the knife wrapped in its case that I carry at my hip and cut his clothes to check for other wounds.

Ken's pale arms are badly wounded, the skin is torn in one place, but the wound is not deep enough to show bone. His right leg is purple from bruising, and one bone is oddly shaped, probably broken, and everything needed for first aid has gone into the waters of the river.

I search my pockets, where I find my cell phone and a spray to heal the wounds. I don't know if it is coincidence, but a few weeks ago I had ordered this spray from Japan and a water-repellent cell phone case from Catalyst. When I walk through the forest, the weather is often bad, or I have to cross deep streams, injuring myself and wasn't able to carry my cell phone with me.

Due to Ken's care, who has kept these two simple objects, has turned into our lifesaver. I check the wounds on his arm and try to clean them of dust and wood splinters, taking advantage of rainwater, then use the spray, which as good as it is is not suitable for such deep wounds. On the other hand, I have no other choice now. When I finish with him I think of me, even though I can't see the long wound from my neck to the middle of my back.

I pick up my cell phone to see if there is a signal... As if our time has not yet come, I open the National Forest Information Center (NFIC) application, the application that can search within the geographical coordinates of border nature reserves and in border areas with other states, geographical maps, aerial photographs and satellite images of the desired area. It can also determine the geographical location of those using it.

We were carried by the current not far from the Pak Tak National Park protection unit, close to the monastery, I should be able to carry Ken.

With my cell phone I call who could help us. Now I can only trust Saai, as P'Hin is too far away to help us. This is about our safety, I cannot trust anyone outside the family.

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