9 (2) - Desire

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Chapter 9 (2) - Desire


Feeling the sweet taste of Ken's tongue in his own mouth led Luu to cry tears of desire. He looked at the face of the person he loved. Ken's hands took Luu's, and eventually it was Luu who made the other lie on his back on the bed to play as he had always done.

Luu took a red rose petal and held it between his lips, then pressed Ken's hands against the mattress. The scent of flowers overflowing with passion came from the long wait for both of them.


Ken tightened his lips, attempting to suppress his own moans when Luu slowly and meticulously ran the petal over his skin, his nose, his chin, his neck. Ken's gaze was fixed on Luu, and he was one hundred percent certain that Luu was Din. Just as a cook who had to touch ingredients to be as accurate as possible, Ken had touched Luu's face while he slept to have proof and further convince himself.

The person who had been following him for a long time was now a breath away....

The taste of his kiss was as he remembered it. The only difference was the intensity coming from deep within his heart, which was exploding like a fire.

When Luu's pressure eased, Ken moved his fingers to follow her scarred back, slid his fingers over the long wound to her head, and began to cry without realizing it. Ken understood instinctively that those wounds had been caused by Din's attempt to help him until the last moment. Indistinct memories came back to him along with the love that still lingered.

Din's voice calling him echoed in his ears. The hands that had pulled him out of the water had not changed. Ken still loved him and waited for Din to return, no matter how much time would pass.

"Ken, are you okay?" Luu lifted himself above Ken. He brushed his fingers over his tears that ran down his cheeks.

The cook tenderly stroked Luu's cheek. The more he touched it, the more certain he became. His heart was crowded with emotions: anger, desire and worry were so mixed together that it was impossible to separate one from the other.

"Can you promise me that you won't disappear too?" Although Ken had to pretend to be in the dark, he wanted to hold Din back as long as possible, even though he knew the chances were close to zero.

"I will come back. No matter how far we have to be-I promise I will come back." Luu's tears, which he was trying to hold back, fell on his beloved's face. Luu had realized at that moment that P'Ken knew his identity. Although he knew it, he had not asked him any questions. Even though she knew, she was not stopping him. Even though she knew they would have to walk away again, she was allowing him to continue.

They both decided to pretend to keep the other from feeling hurt....

There were only their laced gazes in the darkness. Although there was little time left, Ken and Din wanted to savor that moment as long as possible. It was Ken who reached out a hand to remove the small towel that was still wrapped around Luu's waist. His hands then snapped to grasp the edge of his own boxers and slowly slid them down. Their bodies were now in contact, without any barrier.

Their tongues laced together, their breaths were hot despite the cool air from the air conditioner.

The chef began to caress his beloved's body, moving the tip of his tongue following the line of her neck and descending to her chest, where he bit and sucked until Luu moaned with pleasure. Intense emotions spread all over his skin. Ken slid his lips lower and lower, down to his belly....


The hot member was enveloped by the soft mouth. The moist tongue played with it and teased the tip, so Ken felt no disgust. His hands caressed the base of the member that still occupied his mouth. The scent of soap and rose petals scattered around the room made Ken feel unexpected arousal.

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