Welcome to Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, yeah, come on."

We hopped back down onto the platform to say goodbye to Mum and Bill.

"I might be seeing you all sooner than you think," Charlie said, grinning as he hugged Ginny goodbye. 

"Why?" Fred said keenly. 

"You'll see," Charlie said. "Just don't tell Percy I mentioned it ... it's 'classified information until such time as the Ministry sees fit to release it', after all."

"Yeah, I sort of wish I was back at Hogwarts this year," Bill said, hands in his pockets, looking almost wistfully at the train. 

"Why?" George said impatiently. 

"You're going to have an interesting year," Bill said, his eyes twinkling. "I might even get time off to come and watch a bit of it..."

"A bit of what?" Ron said. 

But at that moment, the whistle blew, and Mum chivvied us towards the train doors. 

"Thanks for having us to stay, Mrs Weasley," Hermione said, as we climbed on board, closed the door and leaned out of the window to talk to her.  

"Yeah, thanks for everything, Mrs Weasley," Harry said. 

"Oh, it was my pleasure, dears," Mum said. "I'd invite you for Christmas, but ... well, I expect you're all going to want to stay at Hogwarts, what with ... one thing and another."

"Mum!" Ron, said irritably. "What d'you three know that we don't?"

"You'll find out this evening, I expect," Mum said, smiling. "It's going to be very exciting – mind you, I'm very glad they've changed the rules –"

"What rules?" Harry, Ron, Fred and George said together. 

"I'm sure Professor Dumbledore will tell you ... now, behave, won't you? Won't you, Fred? And you, George? Especially you, Peyton."

The pistons hissed loudly, and the train began to move. "Tell us what's happening at Hogwarts!" Fred bellowed out of the window as Mum, Bill, and Charlie sped away from them. "What rules are they changing?"

But Mum only smiled and waved. Before the train had rounded the corner, she, Bill and Charlie had disapparated. Ginny and I went back to our compartment, where Ellarose was sitting next to Kiara Drinkwater and another Hufflepuff in our year, who was crying.

"Hello," I smiled, sitting next to Kiara. "How was your summer?"

"Alright," Kiara smiled tightly.

The Hufflepuff sniffed. "Don't lie Ki," she looked at Ginny and I. "Her uncle got arrested."

We gasped. "What happened?" Ginny asked.

"It's not a big deal," Kiara sighed. "You were at the world cup, weren't you?"

My mouth formed a circle, and a little "Oh" slipped out. Only one of the attackers at the world cup were arrested, and the name wasn't publicly revealed.

Kiara's uncle.

Ginny seemed to have pieced it together, too. Her face read what I'm sure mine did.

I frowned. "What happened to you then . . . uh?"

The Hufflepuff eyed me. "Rose."

"Rose," I repeated.

"Her aunt is missing. Rita Skeeter is having a field day," Ellarose told us. 

"I just don't understand why she has to be so horrible about it! Bertha's disappearance bad enough without Rita making it all about the Ministry," Rose sobbed.

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