[9] Smut-Free Home

78 37 35

|Imran Adebayo Ibrahim|

The bass thumped through the walls, echoing the energy of the lively gathering in my stepbrother's room. As I reluctantly stepped into the chaotic scene, I couldn't help but feel a sense of irritation. The air was thick with laughter and the overpowering scent of cheap cologne. I navigated through the crowd, attempting to find a corner where I could blend in unnoticed. The music blared, drowning out any chance of escaping the festivities. Despite my discontent, I resigned myself to the fact that I was stuck here, a reluctant participant in a party I never signed up for.

That was the universe's way of punishing me for snapping at my mother earlier that afternoon.

Fortunately, the living room was devoid of teenagers whose oxytocin levels were surging uncontrollably. The room didn't house any virgins with the intention of losing their innocence to Zayd. Attempting to watch Riverdale on Netflix, I struggled to focus due to the vibrant music bustling from my stepbrother's room. The irresistible Afrobeat compelled my feet to rhythmically tap on the wooden floor.

I was so preoccupied with the silent Netflix series I was watching that I failed to hear my stomach's grumbling. My intestines were in turmoil, signaling my hunger. Since my mom hadn't prepared any food before she left, I had to order pizza. The catch was that I had no cash on me, as Zayd held all the money. My willingness to attempt entering Zayd's room was zero, but in order to survive I had to enter inside.

I felt like a foreigner in my own home, as if I had ever truly belonged. With a quiet, hesitant step, I made my way to my stepbrother's room, where the muffled sounds of conversation and laughter seeped through the door. I attempted a soft knock — as if trying not to disturb him — but eventually, after persistent tapping, I turned the doorknob and was greeted by a scene that resembled Grand Theft Auto brought to life. The room looked exactly like the BDSM club in the game. I never fancied GTA because of that specific spot in the game, that's why I go for Fortnite.

My jaw was literally on the floor board. The room was dimly lit, with a seductive ambiance that hinted at an air of mystery and excitement. Deep, rich colors were casted on the walls, casting sensuous shadows across the space. Heavy, velvet curtains hung from the ceiling, muffling sound and adding to the intimate atmosphere. Leather couches and plush, cushioned seating were logically placed around the room, encouraging the teenagers to relax and engage in conversation. The centerpiece was a polished wooden bar, stocked with an array of tantalizing beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, to cater to diverse tastes.

How did he even fit in a bar island inside his room?

The room was adorned with discreet yet alluring artwork, suggestive of its resemblance to a BDSM club. Chains, leather straps, and intriguing sculptures added to the allure. Subtle, low-frequency music played in the background, setting a sensual rhythm for the gathering. A mere sight of it sent waves of desire down my spine.

Mutely, I entered the room shutting the door close behind me. Shutting the door closed, I was noticed.

"Hey, it's the new Nigerian kid!" Someone pushed me from behind. Even though the attempt was playful, I still landed on my face, crashing into the leather straps.

"Ew." I whined in disgust as I struggled to stand up and wiped off the white tacky oily liquid that had smeared on my forehead. God, I shiver at the realization of what it was. Sperm.

"Hey!" I yelled, walking down to my brother who was playing a party game — a dirty party game. "Zayd, I don't even wanna know what this is—" I began, eyes flashed with irritation, "can I have some money, I want to order pizza." I spoke rudely, slapping his drunk face with my words.

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