"What are you doing?!" I laughed as he placed a kiss on my lips.

"Taking you to our bed to...relax," Blaine said.

"So, sit on your dick?"

Blaine chuckled, shaking his head. "In much vulgar terms, yes."

✩♬ ₊˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧

"Happy birthday!" Noelle and Aine ran up to me.

I jumped up and down with them. "It's my birthday! I'm twenty!"

"You're twenty!" They said in unison, still jumping up and down.

"Ladies," Blaine walked in. "Please get ready for Ginira's siblings and stop making unnecessary noise."

I giggled, shimmying toward him. "It's your wife's birthdayyy!"

Blaine gave me a sweet little kiss. "I am well aware–" he paused to look at Noelle and Aine, who scurried away without a second thought. "Come," he took my hand and led me to our room then pressed a button I didn't even know was there and four guards came into the room with gift bags and presents.

I gasped. "Blaine," I covered my mouth.

"I had no idea of what you wanted, so I asked Noelle and Aine. "I got another game console for our room...maybe you could teach me."

I giggled. "Aww,"

"I got you a lot of clothes and shoes. A new phone," he pushed the phone box toward me. "Your current phone is...fucked up." I gasped. "But, most importantly," he grabbed an orange envelope. "I paid a large sum to get you back into your college and once you have your degree, I will open a bakery just for you."

My eyes widened as I snatched the paper and opened the letter.

Tufts University

Office of Admissions and Student Services

Medford, MA 02155

May 24th, 2027

Mrs. Ginira Murphy

3605 Pearlman Avenue

Boston, MA, 02110

Dear Mrs. Murphy,

We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. We are writing to inform you of some very good news. After careful consideration of your circumstances and academic record, we are pleased to offer you the opportunity to return to Tufts University to resume your studies.

We understand the challenges you faced when you had to temporarily withdraw from your academic pursuits due to financial constraints. We deeply empathize with your situation and recognize the commitment and dedication you have shown to your education.

We want to ensure that your path to academic success is accessible and manageable. To that end, we have made every effort to help provide the necessary resources and financial support. Our team is ready to assist you with scholarship options to ease the burden and make your education more affordable. Additionally, we can provide guidance on work-study opportunities and part-time employment to help you cover your expenses.

Your previous academic performance demonstrated great potential, and we believe in your ability to succeed at Tufts University. Your resilience in the face of adversity has impressed us, and we are confident that your return will bring renewed determination and a strong commitment to your studies.

To proceed with your re-enrollment, please contact our Admissions and Student Services Office at (617) 627-5500. We are eager to work with you to make the process as smooth as possible.

We believe that your continued education at Tufts University will not only benefit you but also enrich our academic community. We look forward to welcoming you back to campus and supporting your journey to achieving your educational and career goals.

Please reach out to us at your earliest convenience so that we can assist you in planning your return. We are excited to have you back and are here to help you every step of the way.


Tufts University

Office of Admissions and Student Services

"Blaine, oh my god, Blaine." I jumped on him. "Thank you so muc–T–Thank you so much–"

"Calm down, Ginira."

I shook my head. "You have no idea how much dropping out of college hurt me. I didn't think I could...ever go back."

"You were wrong," Blaine simply said. "And, you'll be driving yourself." He threw a key at me.

I gasped. "C–car?!"

"It's outside." Blaine gestured with his head, his hands glued to his pockets.

I smiled widely, running outside to check. "HE GOT ME A CAR, HE GOT ME INTO COLLEGE, HE GOT ME A BAKERY!!!" I sang loudly as I ran through the house and out the door.

I covered my mouth when I saw the sleek black car, it was an SUV, better yet, it was a fucking Lambo. It had a cute red bow on it. "Oh my god," I whispered. I opened the car with shaky hands and breathed in the air of a 'new fresh car.'

I couldn't stop the tears as I got out and closed the door.

"Do you like it?" Blaine asked. "I did not know if–"

"Does it matter if you didn't fucking know, Blaine, you got me a fucking Lambo. y–you–you–I can't even speak–do I like it? I LOVE IT." I screamed at the end, startling him. I began to sob, hugging him. "I love it so much."

"Good. I am glad." Blaine kissed me passionately, licking my lip. "Go get ready for your siblings."

The chaos about to ensue is ...dangerous

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