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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐧'𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝

SANJI AND EDEN STILL STAND AT THE BACK OF THE SHIP, looking out at the sea. "So we're... we're going after Nami, but how are we gonna find her?" Usopp questions as he walks down the steps at the front of the ship.

"Yeah, we don't even know where she is," Zoro agrees, Eden and Sanji walk over to them after hearing their voices- finally letting go of their intertwined hands. "I know someone who does," Luffy informs them before walking off.

The crew follows him into the kitchen of the ship and watches as he pulls down a black sack- revealing the clown's head from earlier.

Eden steps back, "Oh, fuck no," she exclaims in shock. Hello, boys! and girl..." the clown's head greets. The whole crew looks between the smiling clown's head and Luffy's proud expression. 


"You're bleeding through your bandages, hold on let me go grab some new ones," Eden says as Zoro looks up. "It's fine," he tells her but Eden shakes her head, "You'll get an infection," she says making him sigh.

"Fine," he agrees and sits down on the couch in the kitchen. Eden walks over to her bag, where she packed enough bandages to last a while- depending on how much everyone gets hurt.

Eden walks back to Zoro and starts unwrapping his old bandages, revealing the cut on his chest. "It seems to be healing well," she tells him relieved, and starts wrapping fresh bandages around his wounds.

Zoro stares at the door across the room until she's done. "All done," she announces before standing up, "thanks," Zoro mumbles and both of them start making their way to the deck.

Eden and Zoro walk up to see Usopp and the clown head bickering, "Hey! Morning, champs," the clown chuckles. "I know Luffy made a deal with you to find Arlong, clown, but if this is another one of your tricks--"

"What are you gonna do? Bleed on me?" The clown head jokes, Zoro walks over to him and grabs the top of his head. The clown shouts of protest when Zoro holds him over the railing- above the sea.

"I mean, a deal's a deal, all right? You want your map back. I want my body," the clown exclaims, "How do we know you're not leading us to a trap?" Zoro questions.

"Zoro, buddy! Honor amongst pirates. Right? Come on. How about I sing a nice sea shanty to pass the time."

Eden sighs as the clown starts singing, "Oh, there once was a girl with tangerine hair. Stole my map and left me stranded somewhere. Truly a crafty and crooked young lass, but you can't deny she had a spectacular-- Ow! God, right on my nose!"

Eden chuckles as Zoro dumps the clown's head into a barrel and closes it. Zoro soon walks over to where Luffy and Sanji are fishing, leaving Usopp and Eden with the clown.

Eden lifts the top of the barrel and peeks in, "Is your name really Burpy?" Eden asks the clown, he looks up at her in offense. "No, it's Buggy," he tells her, "Oh..." she trails off and closes the barrel again.

Eden sits down on a crate, making small talk with Usopp until he suddenly yells; "Land ho!" The girl follows his pointed finger and watches as the land gets closer and closer. 

Eden makes her way inside the ship to grab her medical bag in case it's needed later. Sanji walks into the room, his eyes land on her as he puts his fishing rod away. Eden looks up at the sound of his footsteps.

"Oh, hi," she greets before looking back at her bag- making sure all her supplies are in there. "Hi sunshine," he greets back, "Why do you even call me that?" Eden asks as she glances over her shoulder.

"Because you always brighten up the room," Sanji says sarcastically, Eden rolls her eyes at him. "I was actually curious, asshole," she mutters, Sanji chuckles at her annoyed state and walks over to her.

"What are you doing?" he asks as he stops behind her. "Packing medical stuff," she responds not taking her eyes away from packing more bandages into her bag. Sanji hums, his eyes following her as she walks over to a cabinet.

She stands on her tiptoes to reach it, making her shirt go up a bit. Sanji's eyes unintentionally trail to her now slightly exposed back. "What happened?" he asks as he spots a bruise on her skin.

Eden looks down and sees a purple spot peaking just slightly above her jeans. "Just someone who came to eat at the restaurant," she tells him as she looks back up to the cabinet. "What?" Sanji questions immediately looking up at her face.

"Don't worry about it," she shrugs, not understanding why he suddenly cares. "Who did that to you?" Sanji asks, Eden finally looks over at him.

"Why do you want to know?" 

"Because I care," Sanji tells her, Eden pauses for a moment at his words. "You do?" she questions, "Wha- of course I do," Sanji says, "Why do you think I don't?" he adds.

"Because you deny caring about me every time I ask," she shrugs, Sanji stays silent for a moment. "Tell me," he says softer now, walking closer to her. "Who did that to you?" he asks again.

"I don't know his name, but I handled it," Eden says, looking up at him. "I don't doubt that," Sanji agrees, he clenches his jaw and looks up for a moment angrily before looking back at her with a soft expression. 

"Are you okay?" he asks, Eden clears her throat in an attempt to not let her emotions show. "Yeah, I'm fine," she says before turning away from him.

"Eden..." Sanji trails off, she glances at him ashamed. "Did it happen often?" he asks hesitantly, "the touching?" Eden questions, Sanji nods. "No, not usually," she informs him, "Can we talk about something else?" she asks.

"Yeah, sorry for reminding you of it," Sanji apologizes, the girl shakes her head. "Don't worry about it," she says as she packs the last items into her bag.

"Sanji! Eden!" Luffy yells from outside, "Yeah?" Sanji calls back. "Let's go," Luffy exclaims, Sanji picks up Eden's medical bag and flings it over his shoulder before walking out the door. "Hey! You don't have to do that," Eden calls out after him but he's already off the ship.

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