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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐨𝐫

"I WAS DRIFTING OUT THERE FOR A WEEK. YOU BOTH SAVED MY LIFE TONIGHT," the man says after swallowing some food. Sanji and Eden smile at him.

"You're not only a good cook. You're a good guy," Luffy exclaims, "If Zeff doesn't appreciate you, you should join my crew," he proposes, "Both of you," he adds looking at Eden. Sanji chuckles and looks down, "I'm serious. For real," Luffy says.

"I don't know, Luffy. I just met you... you could be like, a serial killer or something," Eden jokes, "I'm not! I promise," Luffy says quickly. 

"What about you Sanji?" Luffy asks, Sanji shakes his head. "Sorry, chore boy. I've already got a job," the blonde man declines, "But neither of you is happy here," Luffy cuts in. "And we're gonna need a great cook and doctor if we're gonna find the One Piece," he continues.

The man they helped earlier stops eating, "The One Piece?" he questions. "Yeah, I'm gonna find it and become King of the Pirates," Luffy says proudly.

"We were searching for it too," the man says, "I was part of a mighty pirate armada. Our captain was hell-bent on finding Gold Roger's treasure, but the Grand Line was his undoing. We lost 50 ships and 5000 men. I was the only survivor," he explains. 

"Damn, I'm sorry for your loss," Eden says genuinely. "Save yourself. Forget you ever heard of the One Piece," he advises after giving her a nod of appreciation.

After the man leaves Eden and Luffy finish up the dishes. At the sound of footsteps, Eden turns around, "Right, are we done yet?" Zeff asks Luffy, "And why are you helping him?"

Luffy drops the plates in his hands, causing them to shatter on the floor. "You're lousy at it. But at least you do as you're told in this kitchen," Zeff says. Luffy's eyes darken a bit, "If you think Sanji's gonna give up on his dream because of you, then forget it," he tells Zeff.

"Excuse me?" Zeff questions, Eden kisses her teeth and awkwardly walks away from the conversation to the freezer. "You heard me. You may have banned him from the line, but you can't stop him from cooking," she hears Luffy say.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, really. This starving pirate washed up earlier, and you know what Sanji did? He cooked for him, right here in your kitchen, because your rules matter less to him than making sure a hungry man got fed!" 

Eden's eyes widen at Luffy's loud voice, "Damn," she mutters impressed. "He did that, did he? What a good kid," Zeff says, the double doors open and someone runs into the kitchen.

Eden peeks out of the freezer and sees a guy with a backward pirate hat. "Luffy, we've got a problem," he says.

The two guys rush out of the kitchen, leaving Zeff and Eden alone. Eden needs to skin a new tilapia fish since she's all out now.

 "Are we out of tilapia?" she questions when she notices there's none. "Yeah, they didn't get delivered yesterday," Zeff tells her, "Why? I thought you still had some," he adds.

"Oh- well, I used it on the pirate that washed up earlier," Eden says as she scratches the back of her neck awkwardly. Zeff hums approvingly, "good job, little peach," he says before walking out of the kitchen.

Eden smiles to herself and closes the freezer door. She sees the broken plates on the floor and goes to grab a dustpan and a brush to clean it up. She places the dustpan and brush on the counter to pick up the big pieces first.

One of the plates only has a small piece missing so she places all the smaller pieces of glass onto that.

When she goes to pick another glass shard up from the floor she gets startled by a voice, "You're still here?" Sanji asks. Eden lets out a pained sound as the glass cuts her finger. "You scared me, asshole," she scolds before taking the now bleeding finger into her mouth.

"Oh, shit. You okay?"

"'m fine" she mumbles, her finger still in her mouth. "Lemme see," Sanji says as he crouches down next to her, "It's just a small cut," she scoffs as she takes her finger out of her mouth to show him. "You're bleeding," he notices.

"No shit."

"Where do you keep the bandages?" he asks, ignoring her annoyed response. "In the cabinet over there," she points out, Sanji gets up and grabs a box of bandages and ointment.

Eden holds out her hand so he can give her what she needs but he shakes his head and takes out the iodine to disinfect the cut. He dabs a small drop of blood away with a paper towel before applying the iodine to a Q-tip and dabbing it on the cut. 

"I thought I was the doctor here," Eden jokes, Sanji doesn't respond as he is too focused on treating her finger.

"Sanji, it's just a cut," Eden tells him again, "Shut up, sunshine!" he says before applying a bandaid on her finger. "Thanks," she mumbles once he's done. "I'm gonna finish cleaning this up, you go sleep or something," he says as he stands up.

"No, it's fine. I can do it," Eden protests, "Yeah, no. I'd rather not have you bleed out on the floor from cleaning this up," Sanij says.

"Aw, you do care about me," Eden teases, Sanji looks at her in disgust. "No. You and I both know who's gonna have to clean it up," he states making the girl roll her eyes at him in annoyance.

"You're just in denial."

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