New friends

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Description- Jude was going to dinner with his new friends and invites y/n. This one isn't really a smut there is just mentions of it.

Y/n pov

I was bored all day because Jude was at training from 3pm. It's now 6:26pm. I was so impatient for him to come home. I missed him more than usual.

I heard his car pull up outside the house and a big smile took over my lips. The door opened and I came around the corner to see my boyfriend that I missed so much. I ran over to him and gave him a huge hug which he wasn't excepting. "What's gotten into you" he laughed at my actions. "I missed you. I was so bored all day because you weren't here to entertain me". I sighed. He laughed in response. "I have a question" he said while putting his hands on my hips. "What?" I said with a suspicious expression on my face. "Would you like to come to dinner with me and Edurado, Aurelien, Vini , Rodrygo, Fede, David and a few others?" He asked with pleading eyes. "Will there be other girls there, I don't want to interrupt a boys night" I replied not wanting to be the only girl there for my own sake. "Yes their misses will be there... I think".  "Ok fine, where are we going" I asked not knowing what to wear. " I don't know what the restaurant is called vini recommend it, he said to dress fancy/casual" this didn't give me much ideas so I ran upstairs to look in the closet. "What time to we have to be there" I asked from our room. "Around 8:30" he replied now coming into our room getting naked to go for a shower. "Do you want to join me?" He asked fully naked now. I looked up at him through the mirror as I planned in my head what makeup and hair to do, "no I'm fine thanks though" I laughed. He sighed and went into the bathroom dragging his feet with his head down. I just laughed when he was fully out of my sight and I hear the shower turn on.

I was now fully ready. I was wearing a short satin black dress with my red bottoms which I knew he liked. My hair was in a slick-back bun and my makeup was quite natural. Jude was wearing black dress pants with a black dress shirt which was mostly unbuttoned which he knew I liked. I looked at us in the mirror and we looked hot so I took a mirror picture and posted it to my insta story. "You look so good baby" I said straightening his shirt collar. His eyes began to scan my body up and down. "Your not to bad" he said with his stupid smirk."oh wow thanks my confidence is now through the roof" I replied playing along.

We were now in the car going to the restaurant it wasn't too far away from where we live now only like a 20min drive which wasn't too bad. It was dark out and the streetlights along with other peoples headlights were shining through the windscreen which highlighted all of Jude's features. His eyes his nose his lips his jaw all of it. I just looked at him and observed. I would be lying if I said it didn't turn me on. He looked so hot right now, just the sight of him like this could get me off. I don't think he saw me looking at him, but almost as a reflex his hand went straight to my thigh. "Are you excited" he asked starting a new conversation. "I am, are you?" I replied not taking my eyes off of him. "Yes very, I can't wait for you to meet the lads they will love you" he said while he took his eyes off the road to look at me. His hand was moving higher up my thigh. My first instinct was to stop his hand before anything happened because I knew how it would end.

We eventually got to the restaurant which I was so grateful for because it would save me from the sexual tension that just kept building in the car. Jude got out of the car and went to open my door which thanked him for. We both made our way into the restaurant and it seemed pretty nice. It was dimly lit and there was a very nice fragrance about the place. Jude went up to the receptionist and told him that we had a reservation under the name of Vini. He brought us to the table where we saw a few of the guys and their girlfriends. I went around the table hugging everyone and introducing myself. Me and Jude sat beside each other. He was to the right of me and to the left Vini sat. I was having normal conversations with everyone and I was having fun. I saw Jude go on his phone beside me but I didn't think anything of it until I saw my phone ping.


You look so good tonight

So do you x
I can't wait until we're home ;)
Read 9:47

I just looked over at him with a smirk. We haven't even had dessert yet but I was so ready to go home. "Can we go home" I asked while I placed my hand right beside his crotch and whispering in his ear. His whole body went stiff. "Give me a minute"he replied taking my hand in his to stop it from moving closer to his dick.

He eventually said his goodbyes and I said mine as we left the restaurant, both anticipating what was going to happen next!

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