"And she's funny too. You've spent two months unconscious and during that period I made sure that you would heal quite nicely,.

Bones were popped back in place and alot of healing elixirs were used so you will be as good as new in a month"

"Why are you doing this Nathaniel. I thought you found someone else heck, you tried to kill me the last time we were together

I will never forget the first day that you hit me. Neither will I forget the first day you slept with another female on the bed we shared.

I will never forget the day that you first made me cry and neither will I ever forget the day you broke me for the first time

I loved you. I loved you so much . So freaking much and you kept on hurting me over and over and over again. You kept on hurting me and you enjoyed it

You enjoyed every bit of it you sick dog!

I fucking loved you Nathaniel. So much that it hurt so much whenever you would  bring someone else home

I let you in Nathaniel but you crossed the fucking line .

Did I ever mean anything to you?

Did you ever even love me Nathaniel?

"You killed my sister! You are the reason as to why I lost her!"

"And who fed you with that bullshit ! How could I possibly kill her?"

"You were the only human in the pack! You conspired with those hunters and caused her to die"

"I don't know whether I should call you stupid or if you are saying all this because you are sick in the head.

I didn't kill your sister and you know it, it was the hunters not me."

"You liar!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me. I am not that same weak pushover girl that you left to die in the woods okay.

I do not tolerate disrespect!

One thing that you fail to acknowledge is that it was not my fault that your sister died

I didn't tell her to go behind your back and date a human who just so happened to be a hunter's son.

Yes Nathaniel, your sister fell in love with a human boy who just so happened to be a daddy's boy and because of that she got her ass killed.

I am not going to sugarcoat any of this because you are being childish. She got her ass killed because she was drunk in love , maybe the boy was her mate or something so if you are looking for someone to blame , then blame her human boyfriend not me

For so long you have pinned the blame on me and found excuses to treat me the way you did but you know what, fuck you and your stupidity"

"YOU DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING. My sister would never do such a thing "

"Oh for crying out loud open your damn eyes and stop fooling yourself. In fact find somebody else to do this because I ain't doing this shit no more

You want to kill me. Do it. Because I can't fucking do this anymore. I am tired of you and your kind okay . I'm tired!"

He raised his hand in an attempt to hit me and that's when I really snapped

"Don't you dare touch me! You have no right to touch me better yet to lay your filthy hands on my skin again

If you ever cared about me Nathaniel then you will let me go. Let me be free. Let me finally live in peace away from all of this!


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