Chapter Fifty-Eight - Shelter Friends

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By the time we arrived at the school, the parking lot was full of cars. I took off the harness the moment the car stopped, I didn't want Zach or Laurie to think I needed help. We were quick to pull our bags out of the car, but as I was hauling my hefty scout bag over my shoulders I was shocked to see Zach holding a guitar carrying case on his back.

"You play guitar?" I asked as I put on my own backpack and pushed my old sleeping bag into Laurie's arms.

Zach blushed, a rare site. "A little." He said. "I got it for Christmas."

"He's good!" Laurie exclaimed happily.

"Shuddup." Zach said abashed and turned to head toward the school.

The portly school guidance counselor, Mr Harris, stood outside wearing a thick parka, gloves and a hat. He greeted us with a warm smile. "Merry Christmas Cooper, Lawrence -Zachary." He said to the three of us as we walked up. I was a little impressed that he knew all of our names, though I guessed that was his job. I gave him a shy smile remembering how nice he had been in that meeting before school started.

"Merry Christmas." The three of us said at practically the same time.

My Mom and Dad followed behind. Mom had a white box with Laurie's cake in her hands while Dad was carrying a huge duffle bag almost the same size as me. I eyed it nervously. How much stuff could he have possibly bought? How long were we going to be here? I wished someone would just tell us properly what was going on.

Mr Harris was all business, explaining that we were to be set up in the gymnasium with a bunch of other families.

"There are already cots set up with a few privacy screens. Once you're inside, just talk to any volunteer wearing a yellow jacket and they can help you get all set up." He indicated the official looking high vis jacket he was wearing, complete with the school logo on the chest. Everything seemed so official and organized. I didn't know if that made me feel better or not.

We walked through the school halls towards the gym. It felt weird being back in the school on Christmas day, but it didn't feel like a school day. We could hear the kids chattering and laughing before we even opened the door. The gym had been filled with green cots in rows and rows. It felt like the whole town was there. After getting our cots assigned and finally sitting down, the reality of what was actually happening started to hit me. Why had they asked us all here? Was something going to happen to the houses?

"Mom." I squeaked, my voice starting to shake a little. "Dad. What's going on?"

Mom and Dad exchanged a wary look, but it was Zach that answered first. "It's okay Cooper." He said in a calm voice. "My Mom said it's just a precaution."

That didn't really make me feel any better. I was going to say something, but we were all interrupted when Ross showed up. He was wearing a yellow high vis jacket just like Mr Harris, but was otherwise dressed kinda fancy - sporting a white dress shirt, navy blue blazer, festive red velvet tie, and matching red chinos. "Merry Christmas." He told us, it was starting to get a little old. "And Happy Birthday Laurie."

"Thank you." Laurie said happily, but he didn't look up. He was sitting cross legged on the cot as still as a statue, his eyes watching the white box with his cake like a hawk. Mom tutted, taking the cake and putting it away under the cot out of sight.

"Is that your birthday cake?" Ross asked.

"It is." Mom admitted. "But don't encourage him. He hasn't had his dinner yet."

Ross chuckled. "I wouldn't worry about that," he said. "Bianca and some of the other parents are cooking up quite the Christmas feast in the kitchens. A lot of mouths to feed."

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