wait for it

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The plaintive yeow of the seagulls were all around Mar, the burnette girl was running for a hour and a half straight. Her stomach was grounding, and she knew it was time to drink her smoothie.

She runnes back to where she normally leaves her stuff at the beach, kneews down to grab her bottle and seats on the sand looking at horizong in from of her. Mar was lost in her own thoughts when she heard her phone ring, a call from  a unknown number. Could this be the call she been looking foward to have for the past two months.

"Hello"Mar says to the other line, unknown of who was behind it.

"Is this Mar Pauli? Aks a man on the other line.

"Yes, it is."

"Good morning miss Pauli, this is the officiall  team of the  Blu Gravity  Talent Search, we have a porposal to make you" They said, Mar was shocked she coulcn't picture a reason for the Blu to be contacting her.

"We have seen your work lately, the photos you have taken of our surfers. We thought that you may want to join us as our professional photographer, till the ned of the championship." The man says. 

"Yes, yes. I will join" She says not even thinking two times, this was a huge oppourtunity to the girl, working on the nationals and the going to Paris to take the photograth course was huge.

"Well, we know this is way ahead of schedule and we apologize for the short notice, but would it be possible to come here today?" Mar got up from the sand she quickly grabbed all ther belongins and started to walk back home.

"No, it's totally fine, I will be there in fourty minutes." Mar said excited about the news.

"We need you here in twenty" The man laughed.

"I willbe there in ten" Mar joked as well.

"Great, once you arrived just check in the main tent and we will tell you were to follow next" The man said ending the call.

Mar, understanding the man on the other line was peaking seriously about the twenty minutes, she started to run even faster now to her car.


Light jeans shorts and a black top with black converse, Mar arrived to the championship. Her heart beating was high and irregular, but she still kept her posture. She looked around for the main tent, once she found it a man with grey hair was smiling already at her.

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