Bonus chapter

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I'm pissed

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I'm pissed. And no, that's not a weak word.

I haven't spoken to Sebastian in two days. Why, you may ask. Well, it's for one simple reason.

He's cheating on me.

And before anyone tells me "Maya, it can't be true, he loves you", I have proof.

I saw him with some woman in town a few days ago, and when I asked him where he was that day, he lied. I know he lied. It also didn't help his case that he carried the smell of a woman's perfume behind him.

I want to hit him, scream at him, maybe even kill him.

How could he do such a thing to me?

I was standing in the bathroom, in our new apartment, which had already been furnished for a few months, and I was looking at myself in the mirror.

You would think I would cry, that I would be devastated.

Well, here's the news, I'm not one to cry in front of the mirror. I'm the one holding back the tears because I have work to do. I don't have time to cry, I'll leave it for later.

Right now I'm waiting for Sebastian to come back so I can get everything out.

How dare he cheat on me? What did I do wrong?

No. I didn't do anything wrong. He did. He screwed up. And he is going to get fucked up.

When I heard the front door open and his voice, I squeezed the sink so hard that my hands were white. "I'm home!"

I bounced off the sink and straightened up. With a deep breath, I stepped out of the bathroom.

I found him in the kitchen, just taking off his jacket. He had a huge smile on his face when he saw me.

Don't worry, it'll be gone in a second you cheating bastard.

"Weren't you supposed to work today?" He walked up to me, put his hand on my hip, and tried to kiss me. I turned my head to the side in time, so his lips missed me. "Not in the mood for kisses, got it." He laughed as if everything was fine. But when he saw that I didn't find it funny at all, his smile dropped and he had a worried look on his face. "Is everything alright, babe?"

I practiced in the mirror what I would say to him. How I would scream at him that he broke my heart, that how could he do that, but I couldn't get a word out. I stood in front of him, my arms crossed over my chest and I was silent.

"Maya, what's going on?" He frowned.

What is going on? What is going on! What is happening is that he is cheating on me. How could he?

I felt in my chest that I was seconds away from collapsing. I felt my heart slowly falling apart the longer I looked at him.

So, rather than him seeing me cry for him, I did what I do best. I hit him.

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