Chapter 26

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Hunter pov

We arrived at the restaurant, when Luke texted me that everything was ready and that everyone was already there.

I was so nervous.

I need a whiskey.

When we entered the restaurant, the owner of the restaurant received us personally and the truth is that the restaurant was spectacular.

"Hunter king, what a pleasure to see you again," he told me

"How are you marco, the restaurant looks amazing, but let me tell you, that when you told me you wanted to do something new and modern, I didn't expect this, this is amazing" I told him

"I wanted something show the world who I am through something and, and I didn't see any better to show that through my food and my love for architecture." he said

"Well the truth is that I'm very happy for you, by the way, let me introduce you to my woman," I said

"Amara, it's nice to meet you," he said, smiling

"Marco, the pleasure is mine," said the

"Hunter, let me tell you, you have a beautiful woman," he said.

"I'm lucky to have her by my side," I said

"One of these days you two and I and my boyfriend have to meet for a drink," he said.

"Of course, we'd be happy"we said

"Well, hunter, let me take you upstairs, for the surprise which you have prepared for this princess," he said

"Baby, what surprise is he talking about" Amara asked confused

"Well baby, let's say that i was planning something special, so I'm gonna blindfold you and no peeking" i said to her

"ok" she said confused

Narrator pov

After blindfolding her, Hunter took her the elevator going to the roof, when they got in the roof, he took the blindfold off her, she couldn't even belive what she saw.

"Baby what is this" she asked shocked

"Well, after everything we went through, i knew that i didn't want any other woman but you, to share my life with, i really can't live without you, you make a better perso, a better man, an honest man, in fact you changed me to be a man who is capable of loving" he said

"In other words, i love you amara and i wanna be with you forever, so Amara Eneje would you do me honor of becoming my wife " i said with tears kneeling down

Amara's pov

"In other words, i love you amara and i wanna be with you forever, so Amara Eneje would you do me honor of becoming my wife " he said

"Ohhh my god baby, yes i'll marry you" i said kissing him

"Really" he said shocked and exited

"Yes, your the man of my life and i don't want any other man if it's not you" i said to him

We kissed

After we kissed all of our families and friends came out cheering and clapping

I don't know if i was dreaming, but i don't wanna wake up

Everyone congratulated us and gave us hugs

"Ohh my god, sis congratulations i'm so happy for you" Mina saig hugging me

"Thank you, ican't belive i'm getting married" i said happy

"You are, and just so you know i'm gonna be the maid of honor" she said

"Of course who else would it be" i said laughing

"Well everyone thank you for coming, this means a alot for us, we really aprreciate it and be prepared, cause this wedding is gonna be magical" hunter said kissing my hand

After that everyone went to the big table and the servers came sarving us and doing different tricks.

"Thank you for everything baby i love you" i said to hunter

" I love you more" he said

Hello family members, you may think i forgot to uploud but yor girl is always busy, shcool is not for the weak, but do not worry, in christmas your girl will be free, but anyways thank you so much i love you guys.

Hello family members, you may think i forgot to uploud but yor girl is always busy, shcool is not for the weak, but do not worry, in christmas your girl will be free, but anyways thank you so much i love you guys

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My Maid My LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora