20 • Ready to let go

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"don't touch my wife, park jimin"

jungkook's loud growl echoed through the empty house as the whole area was surrounded by jungkook's men.

your head shot up after hearing his voice and your heart fell to your stomach. it was not supposed to end like this.

you stared at jungkook but his eyes remained on jimin the whole time.

not sparing any glance at you, he started taking his predator steps towards him. you were watching his every movement so attentively, that you didn't notice a pull on your arm.

you gasped as you felt the metal pressed against your side of the forehead.

jimim held you in a headlock as his other hand held a gun against you. you were so shocked after seeing this. is he really gonna kill me?


your voice trailed off feeling the pressure on your forehead. your vision blurred from fresh tears.

you closed your eyes ready to face whatever would happen. you deserve this, don't you?

"stay away, or i might kill your wife, jeon ''

jimin spoke, hoping jungkook would let go since he had heard about his love for his wife. of course he was not gonna kill yn, he's just using her to escape.

but his nerves tensed seeing jungkook walking towards him, ignoring his words. this whole time you stared at jungkook.

His eyes blank as his face. no emotion, nothing heck he didn't even look at you once.  you almost lost your hope of him saving you, well who would? not after what she did to him.

you weekly smiled through tears and stopped struggling, ready to take a bullet and kill this guilt forever.

your heart picks its pace, your body freezes hearing the gun loading sound.


your breath hitched, ready to feel pain but nothing happened. instead you felt jimin's grip loosening around you followed by his painful groans.

you gasped looking at jimin, who quickly fell down, holding the part where he was shot.


you were frozen on your spot as everything seemed to disappear around you. you could only see the blood oozing out of him and his whimpers.

a loud sound of a thunderstorm brought you back from the shock as you fell on your knees, eyes still stuck at jimin who was losing his consciousness each minute.

jungkook's pov:

i watched her falling on her knees, seeing the man she loves surrounded by his own blood. my eyes seemed to lose their shine seeing her balling out her eyes for him. only for him.

why him? why can't it be me? was I that hard to love? yes i accept that it was just an obsession, before but after i married her i got to know every single thing about her. my obsession started to fade, i re-thought my decision of marrying her forcefully.

and realized i was so wrong. i ruined her happiness just to satisfy my ego to claim her.

once i started to think about it all, i found myself being in love with her. that's when it hit me,

it's not always about being selfish and keeping your loved ones beside you all the time, sometimes it's about being selfless and letting them go for their happiness.

that night when i was finally about to free her from this forceful marriage, she came up to me saying she loves me.

i was taken aback by the confession, but she made me believe it just to shatter me wholly.

oh how i've decided to change myself to be better for her, how i wanted to grow older with her, how i imagined a happy family with her but got what? a very painful betrayal.

but now it's time. i'm ready to let go…

yn's pov:

No this isn't happening right? jungkook can't just shoot him dead.... or can he?

these thoughts came flooding, making my throbbing heart hurt more. it was not something i wish to witness, not when they are my loved ones.

i looked up seeing a tight tug on my right arm. i saw jungkook pulling me upwards. as soon as i stood on my feet, he gestured to his men something before he dragged my almost lifeless body out.

No— i don't want to face anything now. i can't.

jungkook let go of my arm with a jerk which caused me to stand in front of him. we both stared at each other as soon the rain began to pour just like how my heart has been shattering.

he didn't say anything, not even a single thing. he just stared at me even though it was hard to keep our eyes open because of the rain but he did, as if he was trying to capture my features for the last time.

he gulped down as his eyes softened and  i saw him taking his steps closer to my figure. he cupped my face before resting his forehead on mine.

"you know what yn? i hate you, i hate you so fuvking much!"

he spat as i felt something warm between the cold raindrops.

he....was crying…

"but it seems like i'm just kidding to myself. in fact i really want to hate you but i just cannot. and it's frustrating, knowing you could never accept me. you can never."

i cried hard as he shut his eyes to control his rage and uncontrollable emotions.

"but not anymore, you don't deserve this all. isn't it all because of me and that stupid marriage? i-"

he let go of me with a shriek and moved away from me. i hate myself for not opening my damn mouth.

jungkook avoided my gaze while harshly wiping his tears.

"this marriage isn't worth anything when your heart belongs to someone else and i'm not gonna force you yet again."

i can feel my legs trembling as i know where this conversation is going.

he stepped backwards while staring at me. i saw his lips curving upwards into a sad smile.

"min yn, you're finally free"

Min yn? Wasn't I his Jeon yn?

"free from this forceful marriage"

N-no! No!!

"and free from….me"

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