Fire Lord Alzulon and his little sun

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It was a moonless night. Alzulon walked through the garden's with a smile on his face . The palace was filled with illuminating candles due to the early birth. The guard's stationed at the hallway looked nervous and wide eyed at the fire Lord mood, with fear painted on their being . Although their faces are masked, their body language made a accurate read . Tense and feet shuffling hands shaking. Alzulon gave them a sharp grin with pointing teeth. The guard took a step back of that. Their trepidation is most welcome. Their not paid to witness such happy moment . The elder has a new grandchild to take the throne ,and he is ecstatic

Will he or she be a powerful
firebender? A prodigy such as him? Perhaps if he is a boy, he will name him after his dearest father,(or knowing his son ,will probably try to suck up to him by titling him, his name . Such fool no one take his place ) but May Agni rest his father soul . Although Alzulon pondered ,didn't want the boy to be a bitter one lamenting on regrets

Will be such a waste of a life

Despite such cursed thoughts, there is something in his old bones that tell him this won't be a unfruitful endeavor . Ozai will maybe be a good father

He approached the west wing where a mothers cry of pain rang across the hallway, a scuffle of handmaidens flocked to and from the room housing Ursa and her soon te be born child. Entering the threshold, his gaze met iroh, who was sitting calmly with a cup of tea and next to him was Lu Ten who was tapping his fingers on his leg anxious look at the door his father and himself

The boy should really learn to sit still

But he is a child , he even tried to sneak into the birthing house. Got a ear full by his father and Grandfather. The old fire Lord smile at the memory to be young and brash. Patients is hard to learn at 10 years old

The to bowed in unison . The tradition carries on with father and son, although there is one that did not welcome the high presence. Ozai pacing near the door eyes cold back sharp obvious towards his esteemed father. Whether it is his concern for his family, Alzulon can not tell. But a good father keeps aware of his surroundings. And that the crying has evolved from a woman to the wails of a newborn baby. For n single painstaking long moment, Alzulon let his guard down. Nothing can go wrong. It never ceases to amaze him of the unpredictable of something going wrong and it did. It went horribly wrong.

The cries of life stop abruptly. An uncomfortable silence loomed over a silent noose .

Then guttural screams pierced though the wretched silence

The other to two have noticed, and Ozai stop pacing as if movement can cause misfortune . Even Alzulon flexed his fingers, the need to burst in and tear something apart came over him. Lu Ten was on the verge of tears, iroh grounding and comforting his son . Iroh had a unknown look on his face

Dread settled in, and Alzulon taken back to the bloodied with too much blood there is far to much blood. Too much blood for a person too let out . Ilahs tears mixing in with the red in her hands, too much red.....

The wails of a baby started

As the doorway opened, a nurse entering the threshold and bowing to the group

"Fire Lord Alzulon, Princ Ozai " The nurse was smile with a glean in her eye. During other days it would be unbecoming of servants to show but soft emotions , especially to those who would never never be quite hesitant to lunge with pure malice in their mind to reap rewards. But the old fire Lord was feeling generous today, she will go without a warning. For now "It's a boy " Relief flooded the room. Alzulon released a breath with licks of fire fanning his face . As if she didn't deliver shocking news of this day the nurse turned back back into the birthing room with Alzulon at her heels followed by his two son's and grandchild

They were greeted by nurses carrying bloodied towels and blankets with water baskets cleaning up the room. All the nurse bow and left the room to give privacy to the royal family, to Ursa who was smiling brightly with exhaustion tuging at her eyes. Dried tears on her face but he was drawn to the soft coos in her arms. He was small, with big eyes, pale thing in her arms . With soft breaths escaping the new born lips, he must be protected at all times

But a ting cub. Oh, isn't that just precious

He feels protective of his new grandchild he didn't feel this way with Lu Ten when he was born not even his two son's when they were born.

Maybe it is a sign from Agni, but he has no doubt that he is going to protect and cherished his grandchild and he will kill anyone who hurts his grandchild

Ozai looked at the newborn with contempt

"He is weak" The words were piercing "He can not be a worthy heir. Father, I will rid of this thing away from your sight."

Patience is a bitter taste, but it's fruit is sweet. But apparently he forgot to teach that lesson towards his youngest

Such shame

Alzulon did not say anything , but he held up a hand. He was in control , not Ozai

He was examining the child , a calculating look with wonder? The child has survived the coldest of night's yet he hears the cries of a dragon. The fruit does bear the sweetest giving . There he made his judgement

"The child will be blessed with the sun light tomorrow. "Alzulon declared. It was to be done and his word is law .
"It will be at dawn , but since Ozai lost the privilege to name the child, what is the boy name Ursa?"

No one the room replied except Ozai sputtering . Ursa mouth was parted in shock. Eyes wide at the though of name the cub. Of course, not that she knew this, but Alzulon had other plans.

"Zuko" A small voice answers . "His name will be Zuko"

Ozai needs to learn some patience

As if the child heard his degree, he is met with the molten gold of past fire Lord's . Swirling like twin infernos of the sun. Unlike his father and the father before him. Not even he has the gold eyes of the sun.

His little sun

He will kill anyone who hurts his little sun. He will protect his Zuko.

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