in the dark

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-First person pov-

I put on my class robe and grab everything I need, shoving it all in my bag. I clip my hair back and walk out of my dorm, heading down to the common room. I walk down the stairs and feel everyone's eyes on me, I walk up to the couches where Draco is whispering to Pansy,Theo and Enzo. 

"Hey~ guys," I say looking around confused, "What in Merlin's name is everyone staring at me for?"I say through my teeth.

"Huh? Staring? No no, your imagining things, sissy," Draco stutters.

"Really Dray? You can't lie to me, we've been over this." I roll my eyes. 

"Nah he's right, nobody is staring at you, Liv," Theo adds. 

"You aren't even a little convincing," Pansy sighs, "Grand hall. Slytherin table. You'll know what I mean when you get there." She says nervously.

I look at her confused but don't ask questions as I walk out of the dormitories.

"Oh I need to see this," Draco hops out of his seat.

"This is gonna be tragic," Enzo sighs standing up.

"Wait for me!" Theo calls out.

They all follow me to the grand hall and I walk in. 

I look over at the Slytherin table not noticing anything unusual. I go closer, walking alongside the table, and then I see it. Now I immediately understand, Astoria and … Mattheo making out for the entire school to see. 

"Okay, so what. Mattheo and I broke up, in case you all forgot." I say trying to conceal my anger and sadness.

"What do you mean Liv, don't you hate Astoria's guts?" Theo queries.  

"Yeah I do, but It is what it is," I sigh, "now I have to get to class.”

"Liv, come'on class doesn't start- " Draco starts. 

"Dray, leave it." I say walking out.

As I cross the threshold of the Grand Hall, I begin to break down. My breath begins to shorten and my vision is blurred with tears, I run back to my dorm closing and locking my door. Collapsing to the ground. 

-Third person pov-

- Hours Later-

"Guys, I haven't seen Liv since breakfast and we have every class together." Theo walks up to the couch where Enzo and Draco are sitting.

"Wait, what? Why haven't you said anything till now, idiot." Draco slaps Theo across the head.

"Violence isn't the answer, Draco." Enzo sighs.

"Not the point. Liv was so upset after breakfast, why the hell didn't you tell me she disappeared?" Draco growls.

Mattheo walks up, "Wait, Liv was at breakfast today?" He panics. 

"Damn right, and yes she saw you." Theo's smile goes away.

"No. No. No. Fuck!" He panics even more. 

"What has gotten into you Mattheo?" Enzo stands, "Why are you doing this to her?"

"Nuh-uh, we aren't blaming this all on me, okay! I tried for months to get her back!" His voice gets shaky, "She never comes to breakfast, ok? If-if I knew she would be t-there she wouldn't have seen a thing!" he stutters, "I have to talk to her, where is she?" 

"Listen Mattheo, even if we knew, maybe it's not best for you to talk to her." 

"Fine then, I'll find her myself," he grinds his teeth.

T.O.F.S ||  The Fairy Of Slytherin ||By Livvavdraco <3Where stories live. Discover now