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Summary: Grian, Pearl, and BigB have a chat; Grian meets Scott; Jimmy and Joel get to meet their grandma

A/N: Sorry it's shit, I'm tired and just excited to be able to post the sick chapter sooner! I'm still trying to work out a few bits 'n' bobs for it tho. I just really wanna post a chapter so here.

"Hey... Pearl..." Grian slowly turned around before sinking down into his seat.

"Why don't we talk."

"What exactly about?" Grian asked, his voice wavering slightly. Scar looked at the two in concern.

"How about those kids of your's? I wanna know how exactly you got them." She had a hand on her hip before sliding into the seat on Grian's other side.

"What do you mean, Pearl?" Grian asked, an innocent tone in his voice.

"Let's see... I didn't see you for about a month and suddenly you turn up with these two children. Not to mention you went missing for a bit like 8 months ago!" Pearl stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Okay. I see where you're going here. I just want to say, they are not biologically mine. You saw it yourself. Those two are 6 and 7, you would know if I had actual kids, Pearl."

"Well, how am I supposed to know you didn't get yourself a hook-up six or seven years ago and just recently got custody over your long lost children?!" Pearl asked, her hands flying over her head causing Grian to laugh slightly.

"Pearl, I promise you, Arianna, Dad, and Pops all would've had my head if I got someone pregnant when I was like 18," Grian spoke around his laugh, smile bright.

"They might not have known either!" Pearl protested loudly, glaring at Grian in a semi-joking manner.

"They would know, Pearl, plus, I was with B at the time, and you know I don't cheat."

"Alright... But how did you acquire these children?" Pearl questioned, dimming at the reminder of one of the rougher patches of Grian's younger life.

"You make it sound like I kidnapped them!" Grian squawked, throwing his hands up in a defensive manner.

"Here's your drink, G," BigB whispered as he pushed the mug towards the shortest of the group. Along with the cup the dark brunette haired man passed Grian a Monster, specifically the one with butterflies on it, Papillon.

"Thanks, B, you're the greatest~!" Grian practically sang as he popped open the monster and started mixing it with his coffee. "Alright, now you can kill me Pearl, I'm energized." Grian spoke as he took a swig of the cup of coffee, can it really be called coffee if it's 50% Monster?

"You're gonna die from that alone, Grian! That's the strongest coffee ever, mixed with a Monster!" Pearl scolded the other, smacking him lightly over the head, causing the other to let out an indigent squawk.

"It's gonna take more than caffeine to kill me, I've got two traumatized children to take care of."

"On that topic!" BigB cut in, laughing slightly as he saw Scar's face when he handed the other brunette his White Mocha latte. "How did you get them? This seems really spontaneous, that's not like you, G. You can't handle change."

"I found them at the park-"


"-and their parents weren't there. Turns out, their parents abandoned the two and after a very one sided legal battle, I got custody of them. They actually wanted me as a parent..." Grian trailed off, a smile on his face as he fiddled with the new yellow feather earring he had on his ear.

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