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Grian had just picked his boys up from their first day back at school, he decided that on the way home they would stop by his favorite cafe, Nosy Neighbours. When they got there Pearl was quick to arrive at their table, she had seen Grian's wings, but when she saw the two boys with him she practically melted.

"Aww, G, who are these two cuties? Are you finally making friends, babysitting for someone?" Pearl started asking while she was crouched down in front of the two.

"Um, no, actually. These two are my sons, Jimmy and Joel. They're the reason it's been so long since I last came by, I had to get them settled in," Grian explained.

It'd been a while since the two adults had really seen each other, even if they live in the same neighbourhood. Pearl nodded, deciding she would hammer Grian with questions later, and turned to the boys to ask for their orders.

"Can I get hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll?" Joel asked, looking between Grian and Pearl for affirmation.

"Of course! What would you like, Blondie Locks?" Pearl answered, turning to the other avian at the table.

"Uh, apple juice and a sugar cookie please." Jimmy asked, wringing his hands together.

"Alrighty, Grian, you're getting your usual, right?" Pearl asked, writing down the two children's orders. Grian gave a hum of approval, with a nod of her head Pearl reread everything to the group before leaving to put in the order.

"Mom, who is that?" Jimmy asks, tugging lightly on Grian's sleeve.

"That's Pearl, she's like a sister, so she'd be your aunt." Replied the oldest blonde, leaning over slightly and roughling Jimmy's hair.


It didn't take long for Pearl to return with the group's food and some for herself, she slid into the seat next to Joel before looking directly at Grian.

"We need to talk sometime, swing by here tomorrow while the boys are at school," she stated.

"Miss. Pearl, can I call you 'Aunty'? Joel asked, looking over at the girl while shoving some of his cinnamon roll into his mouth.

"Of course, I'd be honoured!" Pearl exclaimed, dramatically placing a hand on her chest.

From there the group continued eating, Pearl leaving part way through because she had a job to do and more customers were coming in. The trio kept talking, mostly about the two boy's days at school (Jimmy had met these two boys he had instantly attached to, their names were Scott and Tango).

Eventually the trio finished their snacks and drinks, Grian had paid, they said their goodbyes to Pearl, and off they went, heading back home. Now, Grian wouldn't say he's one to be easily concerned, but what Pearl had said kept repeating in his head. What could she want to talk about? Was she concerned that Grian had adopted the kids because he felt neglected? Did she want to tell him to get rid of them, but she seemed okay with them? Thoughts kept circling around until he felt a gentle tug at his sweater, he looked down and it was Jimmy.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Jimmy asked, his head tilted slightly.

"Nothing, Canary, don't worry about it," Grian replied with a soft smile.

Jimmy didn't seem to believe that but he let go regardless and went back to talking with his brother.

Before Grian could truly slip back into his worrying again they arrived back at the house, the boys ran up to the door. They started calling back towards grian for him to come let them in seeing as the door was locked. Once the door was unlocked and the children were released into the house they ran towards the chest of toys Grian had set up for them, Jimmy grabbing Woody and Joel grabbing a Zues doll. Grian turned the TV on and started playing Toy Story before walking away to his office so he could do some of his work.

A few hours of peace went by, then it was interrupted by gentle knocking on his door.

"What's up, Kid?" Grian called as he stood up, walking towards the door.

"Um, me and Joel are hungry... Can you make us something to eat?" Jimmy asked, looking at the ground and fidgeting with his hands when Grian opened the door.

"Of course, Little Bird, what do you two want to eat?" Answered the mother figure, crouching down to Jimmy's height.

"I on't, I don' know," muttered the child, trailing off at the end.

"Let's get Joel, we can make grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup." Grian stood up as he spoke, reaching his hand out for Jimmy to take.

Jimmy grabbed Grian's hand and the two walked out to the living room. They gathered up Joel and headed to the kitchen, Grian had decided this would be a good time to start easing the boys into learning how to cook.


Grian looked at his two kids as they kept snoring lightly, having fallen asleep on the couch. With a light smile Grian carefully picked up Joel, bringing him over to his bedroom and laying him down in his bed. After tucking the brunette in and giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead Grian left back to the living room to pick up Jimmy. He returned to the guest room, though it was slowly becoming the two boy's room.

Grian made note to pick up stuff to turn the neighbouring room into another bedroom for one of the two. Thinking about it he could probably make a little gap in the closets so the two would be able to go back and forth to the other without having to really leave their rooms.


Grian huffed out a breath, seeing the fog it created in front of him in the cold air. He'd just dropped off the boys and was now on his way to the Nosy Neighbor Cafe so he could have his talk with Pearl.

Grian sucked in a breath as he stepped up to the door. 'Let's hope I don't get killed,' he thought as he gently pushed open the door and stepped inside.

"Hey Grian! Pearl just left for the restroom, she'll be back in a bit. Sit down, I'll get your usual started," spoke a familiar voice that Grian was all too glad to hear.

"Thanks BigB, does she expect me anywhere specific?" Grian asked, approaching the counter to talk to his old friend.

"Nope, in fact why don't you sit up here, I'd like to participate in this conversation."

"Oh dear, how dead am I?" Grian asked, a nervous tone in his voice.

"Just slightly, don't worry too much, we just want to go over some basics," replied the man in the blue sweater.

"If you're sure..." Grian trailed off as he heard the doorbell ring, glancing over his shoulder he saw a tall brunette elf, his hair was longer and done in a braid. He wore a very 80s outfit, his flare denim jeans, his blue button up with vertical orange stripes.

"Hey BigB!" Greeted the stranger, his voice was intoxicating to Grian. He sounded pretty and looked pretty.

"Hey Scar, you're usual?" BigB asked, the stranger, Scar (what a weird name?), nodded.

"Please, hey Pretty Boy, mind if I sit here?" Scar asked, pointing to the seat beside Grian.

It took a second for Grian to process that this gorgeous stranger was talking to him. He, Grian Charles Xelqua, is 'Pretty Boy'. When he did realize this, though, he started nodding. The brunette man gave him a small smile before sliding into the seat next to his.

"What's your name, Pretty Boy? I don't think I've seen you around here before?" Scar inquired, again, Grian's brain short circuited at the nickname.

"My name's Grian, and I'm not 'Pretty Boy'. I've also been around here a lot, Pearl's practically my sister. I've known these two for years, I've just been really, really, really, busy lately." Grian answered, reaching his hand out in greeting.

"Ah, well, it's nice to meet you, Grian, I do believe I've heard stories about you-" Grian's expression dropped, his face full of worry, "All good things! All good things!" Grian's face relaxed, Scar reached his hand out and met Grian's in a firm shake and oh Void Grian melted. His hand was so soft, it looked rough and scarred, well, it was scarred, but it wasn't rough, Void it was so gentle!

"Oh, hey Grian! I see you've met Scar." Pearl's voice sounded from behind Grian, his face filled with slight panic.

"Hey... Pearl..." Grian slowly turned around before sinking down into his seat.

"Why don't we talk."

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