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This is a repost of my one-shot "I'm Not Your Mother", this story can be found on both my AO3 and here. Updates will be irregular, if you have questions about the story, feel free to ask <3


Grian let out a sigh, work had been so long today. He couldn't wait to be able to sit down at his laptop and just mess around, watch YouTube, play Minecraft, and just enjoying himself. These plans quickly changed as he continued to approach the park near his house, he could hear faint crying.

He decided to try and find the source while he walked through said park, keeping an eye out for what could be the cause. It didn't take long for him to see it, though, two small children, one with brown hair the other had blonde hair and yellow wings. He didn't see any adults near the two kids so he decided to approach them.

"Hey Kiddos, where are your parents at?" Grian asked, his voice gentle as he crouched in front of the kids.

"They- sniff- left us- hic- here, they haven't- sob- come back for us!" The brunette cried out, sobs and sniffs breaking their sentence. They wrapped their arms tighter around the avian in their arms, seemingly to protect the smaller.

"How long have they been gone for?" questioned the adult, his voice as gentle as before, a look of pity flashed across his face.

"We stayed here overnight," a muffled response came from the shortest of the group. "We were always told to stay where we are if we get lost!"

"You're both very smart for staying put, but how about we take you two somewhere warm? It can't be good for you to be out here in the winter this long." Grian tried to reason, he could see the look of fear and hesitance flash across the brunette's face, he saw how his arms tightened around his... friend? Brother?

"I'll get you two some food, you can take a nap, we'll see if we can find your parents online tonight if you want?" Grian offered hoping the children would accept his offer.

"If Joel's okay with it, sure..." The blonde spoke, their voice barely heard. So that's the brunette's name, huh? Joel?

"Well, what do you say?"

"Only 'cause Jim agreed." Replied the taller of the two kids, Grian let a small smile grace his features before he remembered he needed to introduce himself.

"Right! My name's Grian, it's nice to meet you two." Grian introduced, that smile was still yet to leave his face.

"Nice to meet you, Mister. My name's Jimmy, this is my big brother Joel!" The blonde spoke, pulling his face out of the other's chest.

"Alright, you're Joel," Grian started, pointing at the brunette, "and you're Timmy?" he questioned, pointing at the small boy and purposefully mispronouncing his name.

"My name's Jimmy!" Huffed out the boy, his brother just laughing at him.

The walk home had been interesting, to say the least... The two boys with him kept running ahead, or just running in circles around Grian, almost bumping into a couple different poles. They managed to make it back to Grian's house fully intact though, so that was good.

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