Human, the Trilogy

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Just as Jack helped Miko jump down from the vent, the cell door opened, revealing the vain Decepticon medic, Knockout.
"Well well, are you trying to escape from the air vents? You do realize that this ship is miles in the sky, right? There's no way you'd survive to tell our plans to your friends." The mech smirked.
"But you might." A familiar voice, along with the sound of two charging blasters, came from behind the medic.
Arcee stepped aside to reveal Ignite, who had lit her flamethrowers just moments before.
"Think twice before you harm them, Decepticon." She whispered.
"DEMON FEMME! I AM SO DEAD!" Knockout ran straight into the cell, and the humans ran out.
"Get back here! Lord Megatron will have my head!" He screeched.
Ignite transformed into her Mercedes form. "Get in!" She ordered, as shots rained down on them from above.
Just as Jack slid into the drivers seat, Ignite took off, causing the humans to scream.
Only one wasn't out of fear.

"Ah, so this is how the human pests escaped. You took one of my mines. Clever thinking, Optimus." The band turned around, only to be faced with the altered machine.
"Put us down." Miko whispered to Bulkhead. "Just trust me."
Each guardian set their charges on the ground.
"Now, you will feel the true power of Decepticon engineering." Miko smiled as Megatron pressed the activate key.
"And so will you." She winked at the Decepticon warlord, just as a bright flash of light filled the cavern.


The cloud of dust surrounding the machine began to clear, and revealed a scattering of human bodies, all knocked unconscious.
"Whoa. They're all human." Raf awed.
"Now I can kick Megatron in the balls!" Miko raced over towards the unconscious warlord, who happened to end up on his back, and kicked him.
The warlord immediately gained consciousness and clutched his nether region.
"Human... How did you..... The machine! It backfired!" He groaned in pain, as Miko smirked.
"No, I fixed it." She turned and walked back over to the Autobots, and began trying to wake them.
"I just kicked Megatron in the nuts and it woke him up. Maybe-"
"No." Jack looked at Miko as if she was crazy. "That hurts." Jack took two steps from the girl and tripped over what looked like Arcee, at least the hair matched her armor.
"Arcee? Arcee wake up!" Jack shook the femme, and she groggily opened her eyes. To Jack's shock, they were still a vibrant blue.
"Jack? How the heck did you get so big?" She asked, sitting up. The moment she looked down at her legs, she screamed, waking everyone in the cave.
"BIG BROTHER~" Ignite, who had jet black hair down to the middle of her back, and was wearing a crimson dress down to the middle of her tanned thighs, and looked to be almost in her early twenties, latched onto a human male who was about 27, and wore a red jacket, a blue shirt underneath that jacket, and a pair of regular blue jeans.
"The machine." Red Alert, standing about 5'4, climbed up to machine's control panel, as Shockwave yelled at her to get down.
"Oh good Primus." She turned to the Decepticon scientist.
"Since I don't have my weapons, shut up, so I don't have to come down there and pound your pathetic face into the ground." She growled, and began pressing buttons, before sighing and jumping down.
"What kind of machine is that? It doesn't even have a reverse button." She scoffed, and returned to the Autobots.
A cell phone began to ring. Raf pulled his phone out, and answered it.
"Rafael, which keys do I press to open the groundbridge on this tiny computer?" Ratchet asked.
"It worked! Ratchet's human too!" Miko cried.
"If Ratchet's human....then so are..." Ultra Magnus gasped.
"THE SPARKLINGS!" Both he and his bondmate shouted, grabbing onto each other's shoulders.
"Ratchet, we've got two parents freaking out out here. Just press the g key, the space bar, and enter." Raf smiled as the groundbridge opened, and Ignite and the commander raced through, followed by, well, everyone else.
In a flash, Ignite was cradling Nova, who was simply just as confused as her brother.
Circutbreaker squirmed in Magnus' hold.
"What do we do?" He asked, pulling the little child close.
"I didn't think it would affect the kids too..." Miko whispered.
"Well of course it did, Miko! They're Cybertronian too!" Jack frowned.
"At least it got the cons. Now we just have to figure out how to change them back."

Ignite refused to put the sparklings down, even with reassurances from even Ultra Magnus that they would be fine.
"Humans don't have bonds." She responded. "If I can't feel them in my spark, then I have to make sure they're alive."
"Ignite, love, they'll be fine. We need to work on perhaps a serum to change us back to normal." Ultra Magnus spoke softly.

"It's weird not hearing your thoughts, you know?" Arcee elbowed Chromia in the ribs. "Now I have to spy on you." Chromia smirked.
"Come in my room and you are dead meat, sister."

Smokescreen had volunteered as tribute to see if the human forms could still consume energon, and sat at a table, surrounded by Autobots.
"Are you sure I'm not gonna die?" He asked, poking the glass with his finger.
"Drink it, Smokes. Drink it or I'll lick you." Miko stuck her tongue out.
Smokescreen took a sip of the liquid, and immediately pulled a face.
"I think that energon's gone bad or something. Primus, that was disgusting!"
"Really, lemme try!" Wheeljack snatched the glass and sipped it, before gagging.
"That was some bad energon." He muttered.
Soon enough, everyone but Optimus and the sparklings had tried the foul liquid, and Ignite wasn't about to feed that garbage to her children.
"Optimus, you have to drink it." Ratchet handed the Prime the glass, with only a swallow left.
"No thank you. Just the reactions of the rest of you have proven to me that it is not the most pleasurable taste." Optimus attempted to hand the glass back.
"If he doesn't want to try it, don't force him." Elita said with a smile, taking the glass and pouring it into her mouth, and forcibly kissing the Prime, who gasped. Elita took her chance and basically spat the liquid into his mouth and pulled away. "That's my job."
Optimus gagged, and turned to head to the sink, only to find that Chromia was still washing her mouth out.
"Mmph!" He attempted to tell her to move.
"Not so fast, Prime. You gotta swallow it too." Ratchet gave Optimus the 'do it or suffer a wrench' look, which caused the male to gulp in fear.
Optimus' face contorted, changing to one of pure disgust.

"Now that you guys aren't dead, we've decided to give you a bit of a taste of human food." Miko smirked.
"The rules are you have to take one bite of everything we give you. And swallow it." Raf and Jack moved to reveal a cart covered in different foods.
"First Round, cheeseburgers!" Miko plopped a burger in front of each humanized bot.
"Ew." Ignite poked the burger with a finger. "I may be able to eat anything on Cybertron, but this does not look okay."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Magnus spoke after swallowing. "This is pretty good."
"I'm with Magnus."
"One bite, right?" She frowned, and took a tentative bite of the burger. "It's not bad. It could cut down on the grease though." She nodded thoughtfully.
"Next Round!"

An hour later, the only bots that weren't completely stuffed were Smokescreen and Bumblebee.
"How you two aren't barfing by now, I have no idea." Bulkhead shook his head at the two younger males.
Ignite had stopped eating the human food after feeling sick from the sodas, her lithe frame unable to handle so much junk.
Suddenly, the proximity sensor went off, alerting everyone to Agent Fowler's presence.
"Prime!" He shouted, and turned the corner to where everyone was seated, except Chromia, who was still washing her mouth out.
Everyone possessed the same deer-in-the-headlights look, and Smokescreen dropped the burger he was about to shove in his mouth.
"More civilians?! Prime, you do understand that this is a top secret operation?!"
"I understand that very well, Agent Fowler." Optimus smiled. "But we are not civilians."
"Wait, what's going on here?" Agent Fowler was dumbfounded.
"The cons made a weapon that turned us all into humans. Luckily, they're human too." Elita clung onto Optimus' arm, unable to feel the sparkbond between them.
"This is gonna be weird."

Miko stood behind the couch and played with Chromia's mint green, shoulder length hair.
"My armor is not this light of a green." The femme mused.
Just then Miko's phone rang.
"Hey, Optimus! Can Miko stay over? We have a lot to learn about being human, so why not learn with a sleepover?" Ignite asked.
"If it is alright with Miko's parents, it is alright with me." Optimus responded from where Rafael was showing him how human computers worked.
"Hey Mrs. H, is it okay if I stay over at a friends tonight? She needs some serious work on her hair." Miko paused. "I can? Sweet! I'll come by and get some stuff okay? Bye!" Miko slammed her phone shut.
"Operation: Sleepover!" She singsonged.
"Optimus, why!" Ratchet complained.

Jack parked the 10 passenger van Agent Fowler had gotten ahold of for this situation, and Miko tumbled out, unloading a box that was way too big for her to carry by herself.
"Need help there, Miko?" Bulkhead took the box and carried it down to Arcee's room, where it has been decided that the sleepover would be held.
"BULKHEAD GET OUT!" Chromia screeched, standing naked from the waist up.
"Chrome, it's not like I haven't seen you naked before." The mech chuckled before leaving an appalled Miko staring after him.
"You guys did the frickle frackle?" She asked.
"Maybe. Back on Cybertron."

The Tale of Ignite and Ultra MagnusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora