Toast x sick!female!reader

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Another request from Ao3!

You knew the moment you had woken up this morning, that it wasn't going to be a good day for you. When you woke up, you felt absolutely awful, sweating like crazy, coughing and a sore throat, and sniffling like nobody's business.

"I hate being sick..." you mumbled as you were now cocooned within the blankets on your bed, as you were now freezing. It was going to be like this all day, hot one moment and cold the next, which was the one thing you didn't like about being sick. At least you didn't have any plans for today, or at least not that you could think of at the moment.

"May as well go back to sleep.." You sighed a bit after taking a sip of your water that sat on your nightstand, before you curled back up in bed and closed your eyes. However, before you were able to fall into a deep sleep, you were startled by a loud knock on the front door.

"Who the hell could be knocking on my door..?" You groaned a bit as you hesitantly got up, wrapping yourself up in one of your blankets, and made your way to the front door, ready to give whoever was at the door a piece of your mind. You opened the door, only to find... Toast standing there.

"Greetings, Y/n! I have come to help you feel better!"

"Toast..? Wait how did you know I wasn't feeling well?" She just shrugged and gently pushed past you and walked into your house. Seeing as you weren't going to be able to get her to leave so quickly, you sighed and closed the door behind you.

"I just had a feeling! Also I didn't see you around outside!" You held your head in your hand, groaning a bit from how loud she is, and it's not helping your headache, which you were waiting for the painkiller to kick in and help it.

"Toast, inside voice please, I have a headache."

"Oh, sorry. But I will help you feel better!" She said, not as loud as a moment ago but still a bit loud.

"But why would you want to do that? I don't want you to get sick."

"I want to help, Y/n." You sighed softly as you realized that she wasn't going to leave you alone. You loved Toast, but she could be a bit much at times.

"Alright, alright, you can help. However, if you get sick, don't come complaining to me."

"Don't worry, I will do no such thing!" You somehow highly doubted that, but you shrugged it off and head back to your room. Toast followed after you, and once you were in bed, she made sure you were comfortable.

"Is there anything I could get for you, Y/n?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, could you get me a bottle of water..?"

"Yes! You must stay hydrated! And have you eaten?!"

"Again, inside voice. I ate about.. wait what time is it?" You asked as you looked at the alarm clock sitting by your bed. "Uh... about three to four hours ago."

"Well, that's not good. I will bring you something to eat."

"Oh, no, you don't have to do that, Toast!" You coughed a bit, covering your mouth with not only your sleeve, but the blanket. You really didn't want her to get sick.

"Nonsense, Y/n! I shall return!" You groaned softly as she left the room, but you were thankful for her helping you at least.

"Maybe I could just.. rest my eyes for a minute.." you mumbled as you closed your eyes. It didn't take long and you were actually asleep.... Or at least, you were, until you were woken up by the smell of soup. More specifically chicken noodle soup/other soup of choice. You slowly sat up, looking over as Toast walked over to you with a bowl of soup in both hands. Surprisingly, it smelled good, which you weren't expecting.

"Here you are!" Toast smiled as she handed the bowl over to you once you were sat up all the way.

"Thanks, Toast." You took the spoon and after letting it cool off enough to where you couldn't scald your mouth, you ate a bit. It actually tasted good, what was going on?

"You had some cans of soup in your pantry." You figured that was the case, but you expected her to either burn it or something, but no it wasn't bad at all.

"I made extra sure to keep an eye on it! I want to make sure you get better, not worse!"

"Thank you, I really do appreciate this." You smiled softly as you soon finished off the soup, setting it down on your nightstand. Toast then handed you the bottle of water you had requested earlier, which you took a few sips of before putting it on the nightstand as well.

"Now that you have properly eaten and hydrated yourself, maybe you should think about taking a nap."

"Well that was what I was trying to do a moment ago."

"Oh, sorry."

"No, no it's okay." You lie back down, covering yourself up with the blankets. Toast walked over and crawled into bed beside you, now cuddling with you.

"Wha- hey, I don't want you getting sick!" You protested, trying to squirm away from her grasp.

"Oh, please, you know I don't get sick that easily! Besides, I know you'll take care of me if I do!" As much as you didn't want to admit that, but she was right. She had taken care of you, it was only fair you returned the favor.

"Alright, alright, fine." You mumbled as you closed your eyes.

"Great! Now get some sleep, Y/n." You smiled a bit in response.

"...hey, Toast?"


"Thanks for taking care of me, even if I wasn't exactly being very.. nice about it."

"Don't worry about it. Just get some sleep now." You only nodded, not thinking much else about it before you soon fell asleep.

"Sleep well, Y/n." She said softly and kissed your forehead, before she fell asleep as well.

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