Wesley x female!reader

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(A request over from Ao3! Reader is new to the island and ends up working at the cat cafe)

You had just moved onto the island, away from the mainland. While your family was a little unsure about this idea, they wanted you to be happy, and if this would make you happy, then so be it. They would support you, and your choices.

You had just finished bringing your things, which were currently in boxes, into your new apartment, wiping the bit of sweat off your forehead before turning to face the boxes. Now it was time to unpack everything and get it put away. You looked out the nearby window and saw it was starting to get late, so you figured you could put your things away tomorrow and maybe take a walk around before getting some sleep, and maybe something to eat while you were at it.

You walked outside and took a look around your surroundings, before you started walking, to where, exactly? Not even you knew, you just wanted to walk around and see what there was around the island, and figure out where everything was. As you walked, you took in your surroundings, getting a wave here and there from people you walked past.

"They seem friendly enough," you thought to yourself as you kept walking, a faint smile on your face. As you walked, you soon noticed a cute little cafe in the distance. Curious, you made your way over to the cafe, and when you saw that it was still open, you walked inside. Practically as soon as you stepped inside and the door closed behind you, you were bombarded by a bunch of cats, which caught you off guard and you nearly fell over. You managed to catch your balance before you fell, but you laughed a bit and knelt down to pet the cats.

"This is a surprise, the cats are usually pretty timid around new people." You heard a male voice say, making you look up from the small herd of cats that were all wanting your attention. You saw a male with tan skin and blueish green hair, wearing what you could guess was a uniform for the cafe, and from the way he looked and how he sounded, you could tell he was a little flamboyant and takes pride in his appearance.

"Really?" You tilt your head slightly, petting a black and white cat that had crawled onto your lap. He only nodded in response, before looking back at you.

"I've never seen you around before, are you new?"

"Yeah, I just moved here today. I didn't feel like unpacking everything at the moment, so I decided to walk around and find where everything is. Oh, that's right, my name's (y/n)!"

"The name's Howell. Everyone else is... somewhere."

"Everyone else?" You asked, curious to what he meant by that.

"Yeah, my siblings are all here, and I'm sure they'd like to meet you too... maybe. I dunno." Howell held a hand out for you to take to help you up, which you took. Howell helped you up before letting go of your hand.


"No problem." You took a look around the cafe, noticing that it was pretty empty aside from you and Howell.

"It's usually busier during the day, but you happened to come by as we were getting ready to close for the night."

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you guys!"

"It's whatever. You could come by tomorrow?"

"Sure, that sounds like a plan!" You smiled and nodded, turning to leave. "See you tomorrow!" You left the cafe and started making your way back to your apartment. What you didn't see, was a certain older brother watching you as you left. Wesley walked over to Howell, looking at the door.

"Oh, that was Y/n, they're apparently new to the island. They'll be back tomorrow." Howell could just tell he was at least a little curious about you. Wesley only nodded and turned to help clean up before leaving. Howell only shook his head and followed after him.

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