Moully x reader

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(First request done! Requested by a user over on ao3!)

You have been hired on to be Moully's coworker, to help out in case the boss is away, to make sure he doesn't wreck anything as the boss says. It has been a fun few years now as you've gotten to know each other real well. You and Moully get along great, you two talk and laugh, and you're always there to help him with his doughnuts. Oh, and of course you will always protect him from the boss, because he doesn't need to be talked down to like that! Moully always tells you that he doesn't mind it, but it always bothered you. He does appreciate it, and it's one of the reasons he likes you.

Moully does have a crush on you, but he's not said anything to you about it as he was afraid of you rejecting him. You, on the other hand, also felt the same way.

It was another day of doughnut making, you and Moully were just chatting away as usual, but he suddenly asked you something that you weren't exactly expecting.

"Hey, Y/n? What did you do before this, if you don't mind me asking?" The question had caught you off guard, not in a bad way of course.

"Well, I used to work in (profession) before this. It wasn't a bad job, but it made me unhappy.. so I left."

"I see.. what about this job? Does it make you happy?" Moully asked, taking a few of the crystals and placing them in the dough.

"That's a silly question, of course it does! I love working with you, Moully." You smiled faintly. You saw a few flowers appear on his face and ears, making you smile more. You knew it was his way of blushing, which you thought was absolutely adorable.

"I love working with you as well, Y/n." He glanced away from you as he blushed more. You giggled a bit as a faint blush rose to your own face. However, that only lasted for a moment when you saw him flinch suddenly. You looked over and noticed one of the crystals had pierced through his finger.

"Ouch.." you went over to him and helped him remove it, a trail of purple blood coming from the wound.

"Now the boss is going to be mad.."

"I won't let him be mean to you, Moully." You went over to a drawer and grabbed out a big bandage for his finger, then wrapped it around his injured finger, which he smiled in response.

"Thank you, Y/n."

"You're welcome." You smiled back at him. Moully held a hand out to pick you up, which you stepped onto.

"Hey, Y/n, could I ask you another question..?"

"Hmm? Sure, Moully!"

"Have you ever been in love before?" You blushed darkly at the sudden question. It was definitely a question that you were not expecting at all.

"Well, uh.. yes, but they didn't feel the same way." You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly. "What about you..?"

"Actually, yes."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I'm looking right at him/her/them." You had to take a moment to process that Moully had just confessed his feelings to you. You smiled and hugged his fingers.

"I love you too, Moully."

"Oh, I'm so glad..!" He leaned down and kissed your cheek softly. You giggled a bit and kissed his cheek in return, bright blushes on both of your faces.

"Let's get back to work before the boss gets back." He nodded and set you down and you both got back to making doughnuts and sending them out. Any little gifts you received, you would exchange them with each other. You knew as soon as you could, you were going to take him on a date, and not even the boss was going to stop you.

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