Ch30: Rebel Alliance

Start from the beginning

Me: [I-]

Ackbar: [You can't be serious!]

Mothma: [I've-]

Ackbar: [You are too valuable to the Resistance. If you were to-]

Mothma: [If I don't, our Resistance will fail, caught between two galactic superpowers hell-bent on wiping each other out. We've tried waiting it out and have proven time and time again that merely sitting by and doing nothing spells disaster for us. We've tried fighting them both and both times have been reduced to mere whispers in Outer Rim taverns or even mere myths. We cannot...]

As they continue going back and forth, I turn to Bo-Katan who's been standing some distance behind the throne upon which I'm seated. We're still on the bridge of my ship but as I focus my attention on her, I find her lounging with some snacks.

It's almost comical to see a battle-hardened woman like her being so girly but given how much I know she and Shae worry about my own safety, I decide to not tease her about it. Let her have her fun.

Turning back around, I keep my eyes on the bickering duo shown via hologram while motioning to the communications officer to mute our end. After he gives me the go-ahead, I call out to Bo-Katan without turning to face her. There's much shuffling around before she reaches my side, asking if there's something I need.

Me: Do you know of Mon Mothma?

Bo-Katan: I do.

Me: What kind of person is she?

She thinks about the question for a minute before answering. When she does, I find that for the most part the things Mon Mothma said about herself were true. For better or worse, she's an excellent politician and has much experience in civil governance. However, it still remains true that while she might prove useful to me on that front, her ideals are vastly different from mine and to that end she could prove more harm than good.

Me: Thank you. You may return to your prior activity.

Even without looking, I can tell she's blushing as she silently thanks me before hurrying away. This time, she grabs all her snacks before sneaking off to an even more remote corner of the bridge. To think she cares so much about my safety that she'd even sacrifice her pride just to not leave me "undefended" on the bridge.

I laugh to myself before indicating to the officer that he can unmute our communications.

Mon Mothma: [In any case, it is my decision to make.]

Ackbar: [I-]

She glares at the admiral and he finally concedes. Then both turn back to face me as though none of that had just happened, not even addressing it as they ask if I've made a decision.

Me: [I have.]

Ackbar: [Well?]



Me: [How far are you willing to go to save your Resistance?]

Mothma: [I am-]

Me: [Think long and hard before answering, for what awaits you should you choose to give yourself to me is a fate some might call far worse than death.]

She falls silent, even as her admiral begins going off on another tantrum over how they should break off these talks immediately. A few minutes pass without a word being uttered between us before she sighs.

Mothma: [I am willing to do whatever it takes.]

A smile spreads across my face upon hearing that. Right now, I am in the business of surrounding myself with truly capable individuals and if she can even partially match her reputation then...

Me: [I shall send a shuttle to collect you.]

Mothma: [Does that mean that you are willing to work with us?]

Me: [Hmmm...In exchange for you giving up your freedom... I am willing to have my forces refrain from attacking the resistance in the future on the condition that they likewise refrain from doing the same and also don't intrude in our space without prior authorisation.]

Ackbar: [As if we'd ever agree to such a one-]

Me: [Careful admiral, I could still decide to declare you my enemies.]

Mothma: [That will not be necessary. However, what about cooperating militarily as well?]

Me: [Can you safely say you are worth the cost in lives such cooperation would entail?]

As she readies herself for a response, I motion with my hand to Visas Marr, telling her to prepare our forces to attack. She nods before silently slipping out of view. Seconds later, she returns, her eyes still covered by her cloak. This time, Mon Mothma and Ackbar both notice her.

Ackbar: [W-]

Visas reaches forward with her hand, sealing his mouth shut through the force while simultaneously passing on the order to the Sith in our airwing to attack. As they charge forward, the rest of the airwing follows, beginning their attack run on the disoriented enemy.

I'm a bit surprised she chose this method to carry out my order but given it hardly matters so long as the results are the capture of both Ackbar and Mon Mothma, I refrain from intervening, only mentioning to her that she should ensure that both my targets aren't killed in the process before sitting back and watching her take lead of our forces.

The hyperdrive of the enemy is quickly disabled. Victory is close...




Mothma: [Empress Nyx?]

The world slowly fades away, replaced by the holographic image of Mon Mothma and Ackbar still waiting on my response regarding her offer. I smile, realising that even if I were to attack them now chances are a significant portion of them would escape.

Me: [I'll have to decline. You are simply not a good fit for my empire.]

She nods, accepting my response as though it was expected but I'm not done yet.

Me: [However, I am willing to have my forces refrain from attacking your own in the future on the condition that you likewise refrain from doing the same and also don't intrude in our space without prior authorisation.]

Mothma: [Really?]

Me: [I'm also willing to agree to limited cooperation between our forces surrounding our war with the Galactic Empire. That is to say that from time to time we might engage in battle as allies and work together to achieve victory. However, I maintain that lands under our control remain free from your group's influence and in exchange we'll do the same for yours. Agreed?]

Mothma: [I...sure! I look forward to working with you.]

Me: [Hmmm...I'll send across a delegation shortly to work out the specifics after discussing it amongst ourselves. Try not to make me regret this.]

Mothma: [You have my word, Empress Nyx. You will not.]

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