Chapter 3: The War Dragon

Start from the beginning

The cobblestone courtyard alone was bigger than my village. There were several smaller buildings around the courtyard but at the far end was the largest, widest staircase I'd ever seen. It led to the main building of the palace.

The guards pushed me along. All I really saw was the red and gold pagoda roofs and the white stone exterior.

I was brought through a side door, a slave's entrance, and taken directly to a wing on the far left of the palace. The guards stopped at the wing doors. They were massive double doors with dragons embossed on the wood, grafted from several different precious metals. Each of the dragons had a different hue that flickered with the flames on the torch sconces lining the palace corridor.

One of the guards knocked with a round, brass knocker. The doors pulled open from the inside and another set of guards were on the other side. They were dressed differently than the guards who escorted me. They wore armor with red hues and their helmets were shaped into red dragon heads.

These were the War Dragon's personal guard, his crimson warriors.

"What is this?" The leader barked.

"His Majesty's new personal attendant. He acquired her at auction."

I was used to others talking about me while I stood before them. It wasn't uncommon for other people to talk for me.

"How lovely. I'll take it from here." The crimson warrior leader grabbed my arm.

I didn't resist or protest as she half dragged me down the hall. I hardly had a chance to fully take in the luxury and glamor of the palace around me before I was standing at another door. The crimson warrior knocked.

"Your Majesty, I have a delivery for you."

Prince Cole opened the door and stepped aside. I was shoved into the room and the door closed quickly behind me.

My mind spun with how quickly everything was moving. I hadn't had a chance to process what had happened since the dragon landed in front of me.

I looked around, seeing that I was in some kind of parlor. There were several comfortable-looking chairs and couches around the room made of velvet and silk. One of the marble-topped tables had a fine, golden tea set on display.

Two of the walls were lined with bookshelves stuffed with old, leather-bound books with cracked spines.

"What's your name, girl?" The prince asked gruffly. He was moving around the parlor busily, his back to me. I hadn't gotten a good look at him yet.

"My name is Sabine, Your Highness." I bowed my head and looked at my feet.

I heard the door click open and flicked my eyes in that direction. A tall woman with a wasp waist and ample breasts swayed in. She held herself tall, chin high, shoulders square. Her black, rippling hair framed her face and shoulders in elegant waves. She entered the rooms like she was the queen of the world.

And with good reason. She was stunningly beautiful with her perfect, porcelain skin and her big, doe eyes.

She went right up to the prince and curled her fingers around the back of his neck. I pursed my lips and looked away.

It was common knowledge that Prince Cole wasn't married. This woman must have been a concubine, an unwed companion.

"I was hoping to find you here," she said in a silky, seductive tone.

Slowly, I inched against the wall and pressed myself flat, hoping they'd take their intimacy to another room so I wouldn't have to watch.

"Why'd you come, Dulcey?" The prince didn't sound pleased.

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