Chapter 2: Talon

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The gladiator games had been a complete bore. Watching slaves pitted against starved predators like lions and tigers wasn't a thrill. Nine times out of ten, the trembling slaves that could barely hold a sword up were shredded in seconds.

While the commoners cheered, I glanced at the sky. The sun was moving agonizingly slow toward the horizon. After the games, there would be a slave auction. Then the feast would begin and I could make my excuses to leave.

Leave where? Talon asked. The great dragon was always aware of my thoughts and moods.

Back to the front lines. That should please you. I leaned back in my seat and hooked my hands behind my head.

I like it here.

Since when?

Talon didn't reply. I sighed heavily at his silence. He was so cryptic sometimes. Ever since I tamed him when he hatched, he'd always kept me guessing. But I trusted his instincts.

When I was five, I was given a crimson dragon egg, laid by my father's golden dragon, Amonette. Like everyone in my family for the past five hundred years, I was expected to tame the dragon hatchling or die trying.

At five, I was the youngest to ever succeed in taming a dragon. Talon and I had been together ever since.

"How much longer do we have to stay here?"

I flicked my eyes to the side. Dulcey pouted at me and batted her thick, black eyelashes. For the celebration, she painted her lips bright crimson, matching Talon's scales. The dress she wore was tightly cinched around the waist, making her breasts pop, nearly spilling over the neckline.

I let my eyes linger on the round globes of her cleavage for a long moment.

"Until the feast." I turned my attention back to the slave auction.

"I'm bored," Dulcey whined. She leaned her busty breasts against me and bit her lower lip, tapping my chest with her forefinger.

"You're not obligated to be here."

Dulcey sniffed and pulled away from me. She tapped her long, painted nails against the arm of her chair. An annoying clicking sound fills the cabana.

"Is that necessary?" Rosalie shot Dulcey a sharp look. "I know you're my brother's current flavor, but you are still a guest here and I'd prefer if you didn't make that sound."

I glanced sideways at my sister and gave her a half-smile. She rolled her eyes at me and turned back to the auction.

Dulcey stopped her tapping. She crossed her arms and legs and bounced her leg impatiently on her knee.

It was easy enough to ignore her. Unless she was sprawled on my bed beneath me, there was no reason to pay attention to her. I only tolerated her presence at these events because my father was watching me carefully.

Dulcey was my third concubine in five years. I knew he was hoping for something more serious but I was barely in the capital. I didn't have time for a wife but I did have certain needs when I was in the capital. Having a concubine waiting for me was convenient.

She leaned in even closer, kissing my neck. Her hand dropped to my leg. Slowly, she slid her hand up my thigh.

I stayed still as she tried her seductive antics on me. There was no denying that Dulcey was attractive. It was why I picked her to be my third concubine.

After a moment, she realized she wasn't getting to me. She huffed and pulled away.

"Why aren't you being any fun today?"

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