Chapter 12: Mate is Bond

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" Micah asks.

A brown gunk. Christine what is that? I ask in disgust as both pups merrily lick at the gunk off the large spoon she's holding to feed them while they sit patiently in the spot between her legs.

"It's Runt paste. It's what the mid wives use to help the runts grow so they'll meet their mile stones along with the rest of the liter."

"How does it taste?" Micah asks and she smiles as she swivels around, lifting the spoon toward him. Micah scoops a bit with his pinky while I wipe a bit off the edge of the bowl with my index finger.

The pastes consistency is thicker than gravy but has a velvety savory texture without very much taste. She returns the spoon to the pups and they seem to enjoy it very much.

"You guys shouldn't have too much of that it's super calorie dense and will make you get fat super fast."

Will it make them fat? I ask.

"Not if we feed them on their schedule. Mom had to go back to help with a delivery but she left directions on the counter and their special food in the fridge. She told me to reiterate the importance of measuring the paste exactly. Never too little, never too much and do not fluctuate the frequency or change the time you administer it."

"Will this help them grow normal size?" Micah asks as I stroke Leif's back gently as not to distract him.

"It should. But it's meant only to be fed to them in wolf form. It would be catastrophic if they ate it in their other form."


She giggles, "They would get fat dummy. Real quickly too."

Micah shrugs, "I wouldn't mind."

"I think Luca would though." She says with a giggle.

"If the stuff is supposed to be measured out is it alright to feed them out of the same bowl that way?"

"Mom said it fine for their first douse cause they were anxious earlier but she wants them eating out of their own bowls by this afternoon. Even though they might be a bit anxious you should spoon feed them so you can bond. Also, don't try to link with them."

Micah and I snap to look at her.

"Just don't." She shrugs.


"Why?" Micah and I ask at once.

"They are traumatized. You won't know how they'll reeact to another voice pushing in especially when they are likely already acclimating to the voice of their wolves. It is most likely Leif and Luca are in a state of minimal consciousness and their wolves are fully in control for the first time since they were very young. They need to get acclimated."

"Minimal consciousness?" Micah asks.

Christine nods emphatically, "That's what usually happens when there is such a severe trauma. Their wolves will take good care of them until they are ready to come out again."

Micah smiles proudly, "You're a genius."

"I sure am. But mom told me all this,  this morning as I helped her prepare the paste."

"How does she know all of this?"

"Her and Pa were up all night in the library. They even called different wolves they know. They are really happy you've found your mates. Dad also told me to tell you that you don't neeed to worry about your duties for now. Just focus on the pups and he'll update you when you know who awakens. Even though we all know who he's talking about."

"Who told you?"

She scoffs, "Boy please I eavesdrop." She says as I watch my mate crawl off her lap to trot over to me. My face breaks out in a huge smile as I watch my mate crawl over into my lap so I'll stroke his hair.

Instantly my eyes dart up at Micah to see his jealous expression. That is until his mate does the exact same thing. The white pup shyly walks over to the couch before rearing up onto its hind legs with a whimper..more like a command.

Micah happily scoops him up as the pup cries for attention.

"Awww so cute." Christine squeals.

I unconsciously expel some pheromones and Christine hops up to stand.

"Ewww! I do not want to smell that!" She snaps as she covers her mouth and nose before darting away in the direction of the kitchen.

Micah chuckles proudly cause he did the same thing. Never mind a hysterical younger sister cause our mates seem to love it. My raven haired pup turns in my lap to place both paws against my chest just to lick my face. I smile at the soft flicks of his tongue and his  bushy tail waving around frantically.

"They're  done eating! Don't forget to take them out so they can use the bathroom. I'm leaving!" Christine's voice recedes as she bolts toward the front door to get away from our leaky pheromones.

It's quiet then aside from the soft whimpers of our mates as we love on them and they love us back. I lose myself in stroking his silken fur as he covers me in his sweet soft scent, marking me as his.

Mine Asher hums proudly and goosebumps prickle against both my arms.

Mine, I concur.

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