"He's an actor."

"Yeah, gathered as much. What's the problem there? Just tell me what's going on, because something has you really upset."

"These past two days were magical, and yes, he made me so happy. I found out things about myself with him I never knew of. He was attentive, he was loving, and he pleased me so much that my body is yelling at me."

"Good signs, for sure."

"They are. And I want nothing more than to go back to that time." Judith paused as she focused on a string in the comforter for a moment, while she collected her thoughts. "Of course, you have to come back to reality. When we got back to the hotel, the director was there, saying an emergency press conference was happening and he had been trying to get a hold of us to get Angel back sooner.

"Being the supportive partner I am, I went down to watch him. Expect, none of the questions they were asking were pleasing. They talked about their happiness in working together, they talked about the damn rumor mill of him possibly dating someone. To which his one response was silence with a coy look cast to his side, to Molly." Her mom sighed and in Judith's mind's eyes, she saw her mom shaking her head.

"Are you seeking my permission to be upset?"

"I don't need your permission."

"Because it's foolish, Judith." Judith's jaw dropped at that. "I'm not discounting your feelings here."

"Sure seems like it," Judith mumbled, but she didn't hang up nor did she drop the phone.

"I'm not. You're always allowed to feel how you want. But in this case, I think you're making it bigger than it is. I'm not going to say it's right they can't come out and discuss it, but what bothers you the most? That he might be true in his feelings for you? Or that he's not showing the world, YET, that you mean so much to him?"

"It's....," but Judith stopped. Her mom was right. What was exactly bothering her?

"If he booked you a quiet place, took you to the stars and back, plenty of times over. If he's introducing you to family and talking to yours, it's not because he's faking with you, honey. You need to remember that. I don't know much about his world out there, but I'm going to say sex sells and sells a lot. If there are scandals, it's probably better. I've seen the tabloids, I know you're already running into issues, but don't let this blow up anymore because you're worried."

"Sometimes you're really great at calming me down."

"And others?"

"I hate talking to you and you making me see the light." Judith's mom laughed at that.

"I just know you, honey, I know how you are. What you're like. How your mind plays tricks on you that aren't there. Don't be stubborn on this just because you can. That won't do either one of you any good."

"Am I being irrational?"

"Not at all, honey. I think you're being cautious. You don't give yourself enough credit, you never have. You don't see what a gem you are. So, of course, you question what Angel could be feeling, but you don't need to. I'm going to go out on a limb and say this man really does like you, and really does value you. A lot more than you value yourself. And from the pictures I'm seeing, you two look very happy. Happier than I've seen you in a long time."

"Thanks, Mom."

"You don't need to thank me, Judith. I'm your mom, I love you, and I only want what's best for you. But sometimes, it takes a mother's love to knock the shit out of that mind of yours." Judith laughed as she swiped at her wet cheek. "Now, enough about that. Tell me, is he good in bed?"

"Oh my God, Mom, I am not having this conversation with you. Not now, not ever."

"What? I can be like one of your girlfriends." Judith laughed as she sat up.

"I'm hanging up this phone now," she told her, putting the phone on speaker.

"You wouldn't dare hang up on your mom."

"Just try me," Judith teased, turning her back to the windows and sitting cross-legged. She was feeling better after talking to her mom. But she also knew that Angel would be up shortly to talk to her.

"Fine, last question, then I got to go to start dinner. Please tell me that you and Angel will be out shortly. You know your dad's birthday is coming up soon."

"We won't miss it, promise we'll bethere," Angel answered, lifting a brow at Judith.

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