I love you

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Iris Moore loves me. I, Elias jones, am loved by Iris Esme Moore. A sentence has never felt so good to say and fuck it if I'm not going to say it a million times a day. I wanted last night to last forever, well at least the part before Bailey kicked me out of bed and took my spot beside Iris. That was three hours ago and I've gone for a run, drank a protein shake and bought breakfast all while they are still in bed gossiping and giggling like middle schoolers on their first sleepover.

Michael joined me an hour ago, hungover as fuck, and we've been discussing the two people that brought us together in the first place. I learned that Bailey is as crazy as he appears and just as dependent on my girlfriend as she is on him. Michael also shared about the degree he's studying and how he's going straight into his fathers law firm that's one of the most renowned in the country.

My father has actually worked with his recently and I believe they are hoping to work together more permanently as my father's companies' lawyer. "What time are you two getting off?" He speaks after a bite of one of the croissants I brought back from my run.

"our train is only late this evening but I'm hoping to take Iris on a date later. We can leave earlier if you want some peace" Michael's eyes widen as he shakes his head. "No of course not, it's nice having guests and you two are great. Besides Bailey would kill me if you dared leave earlier than absolutely necessary" he almost shivers in fear and I can't help but chuckle though I'm sure Iris would do the same to me if it was the other way around.

"Yeah I can't imagine them two would take kindly to leaving each other, never mind doing it earlier than planned" he smiles, chuckling in agreement.
"Bailey was bouncing around the apartment with excitement all day yesterday I had to sit him down before he broke another lamp" I can just imagine that scene and it's very amusing in my head. "Another?" I question and he nods seriously, "oh yeah we are on lamp three already, that's what happens when you live with a klutz" Michael shrugs as i tip a water bottle to my lips.

Before I can move the plastic away again Bailey's voice rings through the thin walls.
"Honey come here! And iris' lover boy you too" we share a look before pushing ourselves over to where we've been summoned. Jesus we are down bad. Michael enters first, pushing the door open with me walking close behind him.

The sight of Bailey still wrapped up in bed greets us and my eyes, in an instant, glance around the room for a certain brunette. "She's on the balcony having a smoke" Bailey enlightens me and with a grateful nod in his direction I head for the sliding door that reveals iris' half dressed figure leaning over the metal rail with a burning stick between her fingers. The sight is knee buckling worthy but I keep my cool and approach her, slipping my arms on either side of her hips.

"Hey" I whisper against her hair, leaving a kiss just above her ear. "Hi" she greets back with a slight sleepy rasp in the word and fuck me is it sexy. "I got some breakfast, it's in the kitchen" she hums tapping her cigarette so orange ash falls from it. "Last night...." She trails off and my breath catches, she's going to take it back isn't she? Even if she does I know she means it. I just don't know if she's ready to realise it yet. Or she's talking about the other thing which is still burning a fire in my heart. I'll kill whoever touched her.

"...I was very drunk" she continues and I nod against her shoulder.
"I didn't know what I was saying" she hesitates again and I take the opportunity to turn her so her front is pressed to mine.
"Go on tell me the lie I'm supposed to believe" her mouth gapes. "It's not a lie" silently raising an eyebrow I watch her choke on her words.
"Do you love me?" I shock her again and she tries to lean back but there's nowhere to go, she can't escape me and my question.

"Well i— i—" she splutters but I don't reduce my intensity. "Yes dammit I love you! but I'm not in love with you if you get what I mean. I'm not there completely yet but goddamn it newbie you make it inevitable" she pushes against my chest with fire in her words. But I don't move not even a little, I keep steady. Eyes glued on hers that focus on my chest.

Falling for the unloveable Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora