part 23

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Next day morning

Amulya pov

I woke up from sleep and saw myself in living room and arjun is no where to be found.......I went upstairs but their is no one soon I came downstairs after getting freshup

I saw breakfast is kept on table making me smile like a fool and had my breakfast and went to office to submit project work

Really?? Arjun is very talented person he completed within hours thanks to him I smiled thinking about my husband

Soon I reached my hand is paining but I have to do work......I submitted to dad secretary and told him to send to dad and ask about his opinion

I went to my cabin and started to do another project work for up coming dad need every thing need to be clear and should complete on time it's his policy what to do???

After lunch i took some pain killers which prescribed by my cold ass I'm feeling very sleepy but I need to complete atleast half or else it will get burden for next day

I shake my head and started to work while fully concentrating on work........

Time skip

I completed more than half work and saw the time showing 10:00pm I widen my eyes and took my laptop and went home being scared of my hunk husband

I parked my car and went inside holding my laptop in right hand......I saw lights are on means arjun is home

I slowly went inside and widen my eyes seeing the scene infront of me a girl sitting on my husband lap smiling at him and he is smirking at her

I heart broked into pieces while seeing tears are flowing from my eyes

Arjun saw me and smirked at me and came near me like a lion coming near his prey

"Amulya my wife Why are you late baby???" He asked me and I can smell alcohol

I didn't respond to him and glared him feeling disgusted

"Look into my eyes Amulya or else I will kick you out" he said smirking

But still I didn't looked at him and glared that bitch who is setting her dress showing off her cleavage

"Bitch get out of my house now" I shouted at her making her to flinch

"Baby she is shouting at me" she said innocently making me to punch her fake face which is full of makeup

"How dare you to call her bitch.....she is my customer take care of her" he said glaring me making me to punch my hand to the wall

I can sense my blood oozing out from my left hand but I don't care now he need to know that he is my husband and should be loyal to me.......with teary eyes and looked at him

"Is she your customer?? You have a fucking wife and you are cheating on me with your so called customer huh??? I know you are fucking drunk it doesn't mean that you can fuck anyone right??? Listen Mr.arjun I'm your wife and you are my husband keep it in your mind and you bitch get out now!!" I said looking very angry I lost my patience now and that bitch ran away immediately

I looked at arjun who is now looking at my bleeding hand......I hold his collar with both my hands and said with teary eyes

When will you accept me as your wife arjun??? Why are you behaving like this??? Why don't you understand me why???? I thought you are changing but no you are not" I whispered while crying by holding his collar

I immediately pushed him back and held my hand while now paining like hell.....

"I'm trying to make you happy but you throwing me like a paper" I said wiping my tears harshly and went outside without looking at him

I drove to hospital and get bandaged again and they give injection to me now I'm not scared because now I'm fucking angry

Soon I buy ice-cream to cool myself and went to my art studio and started to sketch the remain part of my in-laws photo

Why he is behaving like this??? Am I making him suffocate??? Don't he care about my feeling??? Or should I maintain a boyfriend behind his back??? He is making me go crazy

I took a bite of my ice-cream cursing him for nth time and completed my sketch without sleeping because that stupid brat roaming into my head and dancing

Next day morning

Arjun pov

I woke up from sleep and I'm in living room but why??? I immediately stood up and saw my white shirt is full of blood stain

Few meters away I saw blood drops I went near it and saw blood and wall is having a blood stain I widen my eyes and ran to my room and saw no heart is beating very fast where is Amulya???? Why I have blood stain???

I try to call her but she is not responding to my call making me go crazy and mad at her

What if something happened to her??? Why I can't able to remember yesterday incident???? Ahhhhh!!!!!

Continue in next part............

HIS WIFE ✨️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang