part 21

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Arjun pov

I try to wake her up but she is not responding fuck!!!!!

I saw her bleeding hand and it's deeply cut I took her to couch and placed her on it and I immediately brought first aid kid and started to treat her wound

I saw her tears stain on her cheek but why?? What happened to her???

I saw her dress which is drenched in blood seeing her like this my heart started to ache but why????

I slowly somehow changed her dress and put some tshit on her and sat beside her and gave on injection to reduce pain

I saw her but she is sleeping peacefully what happened to her this question roaming in my head and who caused her this I will kill that person for sure

I clenched my jaw while making fist and went downstairs cause I can't able to see her like this I don't know seeing her like that my heart aching

End arjun pov

Next day morning

Amulya pov

I wokeup from my sleep and my hand is pain like hell.....I saw myself in our room  and my hand is bandaged I think arjun did it wow how caring his is???

I smiled myself and saw and widen my eyes He even changed my shirt......I blushed thinking that thought and hiss in pain

I slowly went inside bathroom and got freshup and got ready and went downstairs saw arjun is sleeping on couch like little cute boy I chuckled at him and went to kitchen to cook because I'm hungry like hell and feeling dizzy too

I try to go to kitchen by arjun roared at me suddenly

"Where do you think you are going???" He shouted at me making me to flinch and turn around

"I'm hella hungry so obviously going to cook" I said softly because I don't have strength

"I will cook you go and sit on couch" he said and went to kitchen to prepare food

I slowly went to couch and sat on it and held my head because I'm feeling dizzy

Soon he brought Food and gave to me I slowly took it and put it in my lap and started to eat my food......I saw him staring at me like predator for his prey I shrugged it and had my food and dthe food I svery delicious

"How did you get that wound on you hand??" He asked in husky voice looking dangerously at me

I put my food inside my mouth and started to say him

"Actually I'm returning to home but I saw a lady who fainted in the middle of the road so I went to help her but she put knife on my neck and asked for money I gave it but she try to snatch my nuptial chain I pushed them all and went inside car and came home.....I think while pushing her maybe I got that wound" I said looking down

"What?? Are you fucking serious??? Let them take it and for fuck sake you can buy a new one right??? Are you mad for doing silly things who told you to come late??? What if something happens to you??? You losed to much blood do you get that??? And it's deep cut for fuck sake??" He roared at me like monster making me to flinch

I saw him who is breathing heavily while glaring at me but I glared him back

"Did you completed?? How can I let them take my nuptial chain from me arjun??? It is very precious to every wife arjun??? I can't let them take away from me that easily??? You may not agree me as your wife but I prefer you as my husband arjun" I said looking at him angrily

"What the fuck is in that nuptial chain??" He roared at me like lion

"It is a blessing from husband is a sign if our marriage,every women pray for god for their husband health by holding nuptial's a sign of positivity in our lives and health" I said looking right into his eyes making him to frown

"What if something happened to you??" He said while coming near me and  i almost looking like a cat under hunk like him

"Why do you care??" I said pushing him lightly and try to leave upstairs but he held me tightly while holding my right hand

"Don't talk nonsense Amulya I care you as my wife??? I even treated your wound and even Cooked food and now giving me a attitude like why do I care??" He roared at me making me to hiss in pain

I hold my left hand because it's paining like hell and I'm feeling dizzy.......arjun immediately put me on couch and brought water

I immediately drank it and looked at him who is now looking at me being worried
I smiled internally

"Be careful" he said being worried

"Thank you Mr.arjun you can go no need to care" I said coldly while hiding my smile

He went outside being angry and I bursted into laughing omg he is so cute being angry

He called me as his wife my heart beating very fast.......I smiled thinking earlier incident he is worried for me wow my hunk husband is so lovely

Continue in next part.......

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