part 11

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Next day morning

Amulya got up from her sleep while holding her head due to headache and itchy nose

"Omg! What do I do now??? I'm having a cold and headache fuck! I shouldn't have eat ice-cream late night" she dramatically wiped her fake tears

She went to freshup and came outside After bathing and wore her clothes

She is getting ready but she got a call from vaishu and she lifted it

"Hello! Idiot good morning" Amulya said while smiling

"Ammu! I fell from steps please help me I'm dying" vaishu said while shouting

"Omg!! I'm coming wait don't move" Amulya said and cut the call

Amulya immediately rushed downstairs and saw no one She shrugged and went inside her car and drove to her bestie house

Time skip

Amulya parked her car and rushed inside and saw vaishu holding her hand and leg and groaning in pain making Amulya to rush near her

"Oh my vaishu what happened??" Amulya said and try to lift her up

"I fell from steps ammu it's slippery bro...ahh! It's paining" vaishu said while crying

"It's ok I'm with you come let's go to hospital" Amulya said and lifted her up and took her to her car and drove to arjun hospital

Arjun pov

I gotup from sleep and got ready and went downstairs and saw no one and breakfast is not ready where the hell is Amulya??

I'm super angry and went to her room and saw no one and went downstairs

Where did she went at this early?? I thought to myself and went to hospital while thinking about her

End of arjun pov

Amulya came to hospital and took her inside and went to doctor and told about the situation

Doctor checked her while Amulya sat on chair due to headache killing her

"I think it's a fracture miss Amulya" he said while eyeing her leg

"Omg!! Is it sever or little fracture doctor" she asked holding her head and sneezing continuously

"Yeah!! Little better but she need to stay here for two days because it may cause her problem while moving" he said

"Ok doctor she will stay here and please do the process I will be waiting outside" Amulya said and went outside and sat on chair with tissue box and closed her eyes

Meanwhile arjun came to hospital and every worker and doctors greeting him but his eyes focused straight but stopped Because he saw familiar face in his hospital holding tissue box looking very tired with red nose

He stared her carefully it is Amulya.....without thinking he went near her

"What are you doing here Amulya??" Arjun asked her

Amulya slowly opened her eyes and saw arjun and she slowly set herself and got up while holding her head

"It's.....vaishu got injured so I came here sorry because I didn't prepared your breakfast" she said softly still holding her head and sneezing

"Oh!! How is she??" He asked

"She is fine It's a fracture doctor said she need to stay here for two days" she said softly

"I see and I told you to not eat ice-cream but see you are suffering with cold and headache eat something and take medicines" he said rudely and wen to cabin

Amulya rolled her eyes and went inside Amulya room and saw she is sleeping and doctor came to her

"Miss Amulya take this medicine I saw you are suffering with headache and cold and I brought breakfast too eat dear and take rest" he said while patting her head

"Oh my you don't have to do this doctor it's fine" she said while looking at doctor

"It's fine dear you both look like my daughter and please don't refuse it and take it dear It's my request" he said smiling

"Tq so much uncle for care" Amulya said taking food and medicine

"It's fine dear and I will come to check on her everytime take care" he said and went outside

Amulya saw his back and smiled and take out he food and served herself and for vaishu too

They both ate breakfast and Amulya took her medicine and went to bring vaishu medicine

While Amulya taking medicine she saw a family thanking arjun and arjun smiling at them

Amulya hold her heart and looked at him with widen eyes and rubbed them and looked again and it's fucking true he  is smiling at them

Arjun turned at to Amulya side and saw her and went near her after talking to patient family

Amulya immediately turned to other side and saw arjun is infront of her and checked her temperature with back of his hand making her to flinch at his cold hand

"Your temperature is normal and did you have breakfast and medicine???" He asked her in soft tone

"Yes! I did" she said like a obedient child

"Good go and take rest" he said and went to his cabin with same stonic face

Meanwhile all are staring at her like a ghost because she is the only one talked by arjun in the hospital an dno one dare to talk to him

Amulya shrugged their looks and went to vaishu room and gave her medicines and slept on another bed for sometime

At evening

Amulya gotup from sleep and saw herself in hospital and doctor checking on vaishu

She gotup and sat on bed and looked at vaishu

"How is she doctor??" She asked in tired voice

"Oh!! Amulya you are up and she is fine and I think one day is enough for her to stay here" doctor said

"Oh! That's good and thanks" she said while smiling

"It's ok dear and I'm leaving now" he said and went outside

Amulya looked at vaishu

"Idiot when is you boyfriend is coming...I need to go home I have a husband to feed" she said Calmly

"Hey! Ammu he said he will come tomorrow morning please ammu stay with me tonight" she said while showing her puppy eyes

"Ahh! Fine don't show me that puppy eyes it won't suits you stupid" Amulya said and rolled her eyes

"Hehe! Tq ammu I love you so much" vaishu said

"Hahaha!!! I hate you so much" she said sarcastically and went outside to pay some amount of bill

Continue in next part......

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