26. body

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6:34 PM

Thiago went home after my song from yesterday, because he felt that there was tension and we needed to solve it.

But EJ and I have just been in complete silence for the past two minutes.

Two minutes is a lot if you think about it.

Or maybe it's just in my head.

Finally, I shattered the quiet that was filling the void. "How did things end with Lily?" I asked, guessing I knew the answer.

He replied softly, "Truth is, she dumped me after hearing about us." Karma indeed.

"Well, that's what happens when you break a heart to quick, Caswell. It bounces right back at your face." I replied frostily, hinting at his fault.

"Ricky, I didn't want to end things. God, I did love you-"

"No, because if you really loved me, I wouldn't be just history," I blurted out. Our eyes met, speaking volumes without making a sound. In that moment, they seemed to say he didn't want this, but it was unavoidable. "EJ, we're done! No more pretending anything's there when it's not! We've each got our own world. We gotta stop making this complicated."

"Wait, so you aren't even gonna stick up for us?" EJ asked. With a bitter laugh, I rolled my eyes. How could he feign innocence? Act as if he hadn't shredded my heart? Pretend our past was just smoke?

"Us? What 'us'? There's literally never been an 'us'...all about you! You're putting on this show like you were so in love – but you weren't. Trust me, things would be different if you were."

Tears blazed a path down EJ's cheeks. Of all the things, never had I seen EJ Caswell shed tears. I'd seen him wounded, fuming, but never crying. "Alright! I get it, I screwed up, real bad! I regret hurting you. I regret saying 'I love you' because I had no idea you would think that. I'm sorry I made it look like I didn't give a damn, because Bowen, I give every fucking damn about you." he confessed. "F-f-fuck, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

There was a pull in my chest. I didn't understand why, yet it felt solid. His confession struck me with its sincerity. It wasn't just because EJ had a past of hurting people, but his bravery to address it—that means something, right?

I drew him into an embrace. His comfortable arms snaked around my waist, the familiarity of that warmth calming. I simply let go, succumbing to the familiarity. This was it. These hugs feel more real than anything else.

He did care. He really did.

I searched the depths of those eyes, ones I'd serenaded hours ago. He started to lean in, the worst part? I began to reciprocate. Could I have been wrong? Was he a genuinely gentle, loving person ? Something clicked.

"What made you change?" My whisper barely escaped, our lips hovering close.

"It's you, Ricky Bowen, you changed me." Moving in for that anticipated kiss, my mind wandered. Could things turn around? Was happiness finally on my horizon? I was just about to taste the answer until a scream pierced through.


That had to be my sister's shriek. She's the only other girl at home and dad...he's not here. "Hold up."

Probably just a big, hairy spider freakout. She's petrified of them. Didn't feel urgent. I purposefully rapped on her door, in search for an answer. "Nat! Ricky's here!" Her scream rang out again. I started to become really worried. "Nat, open this!"

"No! No! No! Get away from me!" Panic filled her cries. The situation was getting more intense. "Get the fuck away from me!" she sobbed. The last time she cried this hard, she was told she was too small to ride Space Mountain at eight years old.

"Nat! Yo! Ricky's here!" I glanced over to EJ, who shared my alarm.

"Should I try to unlock this?" EJ queried anxiously.

"Do it, EJ! Hurry!" As EJ dashed off to find a pin, I pounded on the door relentlessly.

"Nat! Fuck, it's just me." I jostled the doorknob, hoping to coax it open. "Nattie!"

"Leave! Just fucking leave me! Oh my gosh!" Her wails shrilled through my ears. EJ sprinted back and began unlocking the door despite Nat's pleas. "EJ! Stop! Please! Fuck!"

Once the door swung open, I advanced toward her. "Nat, talk to me. What happened?" I'd never seen her this panicked, terrified even. Tried to comfort her with a hug, but she shoved me.

"Leave! Just...stay back!" Hands up, I reassured her I meant no harm. She drew in a shaky breath. Her wails began to get calm as she once recognized that it was me. "RiRi... I'm so scared." She crumbled into me, weeping. I tenderly embraced her.

"Hush, you're fine. You're safe with me." I signaled EJ non-verbally to leave us, needing to unravel the real issue.

I need to find out what happened.

7:23 PM

Nat and I were scrolling through some hilarious TikToks, hoping to lighten the mood. She seemed somewhat eased, so it felt like the right moment to dig deeper.

Turning off my phone, I took a breath in, "Nat...talk to me, what's up?" Striving to maintain my cool.

"Just period cramps, no biggie." She crossed her arms and fiddled with her thumbs. Looking at her, I gently placed my hand on her shoulder. Sure, period pains are tough, but screaming and locking her own brother out? That's new. Something's fishy.

"Nat, you mean a lot to me and I've been worried about you. I'm not clueless. Just spill it." I noticed her gritted jaw, blinking back tears.

"He...he..." She stumbled on her words. "Fuck!" She yelled in agony.

"Calm down, it's okay. Take your time, speak easy." I squeezed her hand gently.

She gathered herself, and shaky words tumbled out.

"He...he touched me. He fucking touched my body. I...I let him, didn't know how to stop him." Her tears stained my shirt. The picture was painted all too clearly.

"Who did this, Nat?" I questioned. She looked up at me and managed to let one word escape her mouth.

That one word caused a flame in my body.


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