3. mr. perfectly fine

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8:34 AM

"Ricky! We're fucking late!" I opened my eyes and saw Nat all dressed for the second day of school. She kept throwing pillows at me to wake up.

"I know, I know! I KNOW!" I yelled. I got out of bed and got dressed into a baby blue sweatshirt and sweatpants.

Good riddance.

9:01 AM

"There's so much fucking traffic," I scoffed.

"That's why I told you to come early! You need to be more responsible." Nat was always more like mom. She was very organized and capable. She was bold and brave and she didn't care what anybody had to say. She is tough. Just like Bowen's are, but she is really tough.

I'm more like Dad, however. I'm more laid back and chill. I'm not that organized, but I'm at least calm and collected. I'm...I'm not tough. I don't know how to handle school. I'm not like my family, or people at school. I don't belong.

"How was yesterday?" I asked her.

"It was great," Nat replied as she was chewing on her white-cheddar cheese popcorn. "I made a lot of friends." How the fuck does she fit in like that?

"That's cool."


11:23 AM

"Bowen, you're late again." Mr. Mazarra said. It's not like I was trying to be late. But I just gotta stay quiet.


"I know, I'm sorry." I replied.

"Sorry doesn't fix the time, sir." Rule 6: Sorry doesn't fix the time.

I quietly sat next to Nini. "Hey, you okay? Especially after last night-"

"Ricky, I'm fine, but thanks for asking." Nini quietly said. I heard someone mention my name behind me.

"Honestly, I don't know why Ricky's friends with Nini," EJ laughed. Fuck them, honestly. Follow the rules.

"They both are weird." Thiago commented. I looked at Nini, who's eyes were filled with tears. I got up and turned to see Thiago and EJ.

"Hey! Don't call him that!" I walked up to EJ, so he could see all the pain coursing through my veins. "If you say anything about Nini, I will make sure your life falls miserable until you have nothing left but your stupid little friend. After that, I'll make sure to get you a therapist so you can get the help to fix your fucking life." I put a sweet smile. Thiago snickered at me.

"You think that's actually scary? I'll make sure you get a therapist!" he mocked. I looked back at Thiago, and looked mad. Mad. My fist balled up and then...


"Ow! Fuck!" I saw EJ's nose, oozing with blood. 

"Ricky!" I turned around and saw Nini, and all the kids staring at me. Rule 7: Don't cause drama. And I broke that rule. Fuck.

"Mr. Bowen! Detention!"

3:37 PM

"What?! Our son would never do anything like that! That's insane!" Dad defended. I should've not caused a scene. I should've followed the rules.

"Well, your son is a bitch!" EJ scoffed. I felt guilty. Really guilty, and I felt guilty that I was guilty because EJ's never guilty.

"Hey! Watch your language!" Mom said. EJ pressed the tissue to his nose, so the last of the blood would go away.

"As much as you have a valid point, Mr. Bowen, we think it's best that Ricky is suspended for two days." the principal said. Suspended?

"That's not even my fault! EJ and his stupid friend have been talking shit about me and Nini since school has started! I haven't even been here for a week and they're assuming all this weird shit about me!" I said. "I don't get why I'm the bad guy over here."

"Ricky, you punched my nose, of course you're the fucking bad guy."

"I don't give a shit if you're the most popular guy in school. However, I do give a shit on how you constantly mock Nini and I even though we haven't done shit to you. So yes, EJ Caswell, as much as you hate to make mistakes because you're Mr. Perfectly Fine!"

"Oh, you think I'm perfect, Bowen?" I rolled my eyes at him—not because he was wrong, but because he is right. He looked back at the principal. "No, don't suspend him, it's fine. It was just a light punch," he smirked at me, and I felt my cheeks turn a hot red. He wasn't even flirting with me, but the way he talks was so sexy.

"You don't have to do that-"

"Well I insist." EJ said. Rule 7: Be kind, or at least act kind. "After all, you have a valid point."

"Okay, then it's settled. Ricky you're not suspended. You guys can go back home. I'm so sorry for calling you in, Mr. Bowen."

And just like that, the power of EJ Caswell has once again, made me unsuspended.

4:32 PM

"Hey, Asswell!" I smiled as he turned around, looking mean. A mask. I ran over to him. "Why'd you tell the principal to not send me home?" I sincerely asked.

"Don't act like we're friends, because we are far from that-"

"Then why would you do it? Hmm?" I asked him. A mask.

"I just...I don't know! Ricky, can you just give me your number and let me explain? Because I'm kinda in a rush and I got football practice and..." I didn't even listen to the rest. Give me your number.

"Yeah, no, no, I know, ok." I said. He gave me his phone as I put my number in it. "Here,"

"We're not friends, Bowen." A mask. Rule 8: Don't trust anyone.

"I know." I grinned. He walked away.

7:14 PM

"Ricky, come down for dinner!" Nat yelled. I got up and declined on Jet and Maddox, but then I got a text.


Yo Bowen
it's ej

Oh, hi ej asswell!!!
so care to explain
why u didn't tell the
teacher??? 🤨

im mr. perfectly fine 😜

That text made the insides of my tummy tickle.

alright, don't let
ur ego get the best of
you pretty boy!!

AND you think im pretty
sorry bowen, but im
taken 😊😊

stfu 🙂
also, pls stop talking bad
abt nini
and tell ur minion as well
to stfu

yk what
fine 😃😃
i don't wanna see u
cry bc of me 🥺
and to clarify we aren't
friends bozo

yes yes u can't be seen with
a gay loser like me 🤪🤪


shit shit oh fuck

ricky it's fine
it's ok i won't tell anyone???
ugh i'll see u tmrw

I turned off my phone. "Yeah, I'm coming." I said softly. I grabbed my notes app and decided to write some lyrics in.

Blood running cold - Ricky Bowen.

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