Prologue: The Encounter

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It was a quiet day for Usagi, no fights, no school, and no one to bother her. Her friends were busy and couldn't hang out with Usagi for a few days and Luna was with Artemis. To be honest Usagi was glad, she hadn't had time to herself for a while, she liked her friends but she wanted to do her own hobbies by herself. She felt as if she was barely in her control anymore, and no one seemed to notice, not even her own family.

So it was nice to take a break from everything and pretend that nothing was wrong in her life, she was also rethinking things, like her crush on someone that clearly has no interest in her. 

Rain dropped onto Usagi's hoodie and pants as she sat down on the edge of a random building. She came here whenever she wanted alone time, none of her friends and family know about this place.

"The rain lightened up, that's good." Usagi said but her mind was elsewhere, she was thinking about her last fight a few months ago, it was a female with blonde hair and yellowish red eyes, they had fox like powers as well, they were able to defeat her and the others so quickly.

The look they gave Usagi was one of pure pity, like they knew something she didn't. Usagi was concerned, did this person know them or something? No one else had seemed to notice this.

Looking up at the sky, Usagi let out a sigh. Does she keep having strikes of bad luck? "I wonder if this is just a weird dream, that I am in a coma and not Sailor Moon. Heck would any of this even happen if I wasn't Sailor Moon? I want this to stop now, I am just a teen, I don't want to have this life. I want to have a normal life, like how it was before I became Sailor Moon." U sag I puts her face in her hands and lays back on the roof.

"I see, you finally get it. This is what I wanted you to get when we fought." Usagi jumped, almost letting out a scream. She sits up and looks to where the voice came from, it was the fox teen she fought a few months ago. She doesn't seem hostile at all, the girl is more relaxed. Is it because Usagi alone? Or because Usagi isn't much of a threat to her?

"Now that you are alone, let's talk. Shall we?" The fox girl says sitting down next to Usagi. "Don't freak out with what I am about to tell you. Okay?" Usagi nods, after all she didn't feel like fighting someone that is probably a god.

"Yeah, I got it. What is it that you wanted to tell me?" The girl smiles at Usagi, it looked like a sibling smiling at their little sister. She had never felt what it was like to have a older sister.

"My name is Aether, but I had a previous life before becoming Aether... I was Usagi from a different multiverse. I died though. A little while back I had reincarnated someone who knew who my past life was, that is how I found out about you. Having your life bound in chains is not good, that is how your life is. I am here to change that, to stop the cycle of people living terrible lives, one at a time. Starting with... You." The girl now known as Aether said, surprisingly Usagi believed her. Why? Because Aether showed her memories of Usagi. How she was a show for people's entertainment. How she was in a loveless relationship, that was way older then her.

Usagi let a sad smile take over her face, is this really how her life was supposed to go? Could she somehow change her Life off of this path?

Suddenly, Aether got her attention again, "But, I am here to help you. Give you more... Fulfilling life. Though it will have fighting but not fo more then a few years, then you will live in peace with you mas- I mean family and friends. Though... Ah screw it, I am reincarnating you into Fate Grande Order. Though when you get your first master you won't really need to do any fighting except for sparring and training." Fate Grande Order? She loved that anime! She won't have to do much fighting after she get summoned, so she doesn't mind much.

"Really? But what about the Sailor guardians? What will happen to them without Sailor Moon?" Usagi didn't want anything bad to happen to them, they still were Usagi's friends... Even if she probably annoys them.

"Don't worry, I will take care of that. They will still have a Sailor Moon, but it just won't be you." Aether says as she stands up and pats her clothes, getting the dust off as the rain fully stops. She holds out her hand to Usagi, who takes it.

Aether pulls her up with great strength, slightly shocking Usagi. "Okay, so when does this happen? Do I need to wait a little while or are you going to reincarnate me now?" Aether smiles at how eager Usagi is, it reminds her of how she was when she saw new things.

Aether suddenly frowns, "Now, but I should warn you. Your memories will be locked until you reach a certain point in your life, it could be your summoning or your death. I don't know when the seal will break, are you still sure you want to do this? It could also change your personality quite a bit." Usagi took a deep breath as she thinks if she should take this offer.

This offer seems tempting, but it had side affects as well. She loved her family a lot, but they didn't show her much attention, mostly focusing on her little brother or scolding her for getting bad grades. To be honest Usagi wants to take the offer more then wanting to see her family, as fucked up as it seems.

"...Yeah, I'm positive. I won't regret this, not a single day in my life." Usagi says with a smile. Aether smiled, this was similar to how she reacted when she saw her demon beast that was sealed inside of her, kinda like Naruto.

"As you wish." Aether says as she sees the Sailor Guardians rushing towards their position. "This might hurt a bit." She says raising her hand, a small grey ball of light forming in it. She pushes the ball of light against Usagi's head, suddenly Usahi's body started fading away. Aether heard Usagi's 'friends' calling her name, she grinned and vanished into the shadows. Where you may ask? To her lovers, back in the kingdom she and her sister managed to save.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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