When you go back to work he gets a bit pissy, because you're not spending as much time with him.

After a night shift, you normally nap in the mornings which leaves only three hours in the afternoon to hang out.

You're barely rolling out of bed when you find him in the kitchen.

"Couldn't you at least wake up earlier?"

"I'm up all night taking care of a baby! What do you expect?"

"But you get some sleep, don't you?"

"I get woken up every two hours. You're never free in the evenings."

"Cause I work at a bar!!"

You groan, " I'm sorry. I'll get up earlier."

Winter and spring passes, and you end up working days as the parents go back to work. Baby girl is sleeping through the night, so you are very glad to be getting a good sleep.

Your boyfriend, however, is not pleased.

"I'm sorry!" You exclaim, "unless she pops out another baby, these are my hours."

"I hate this." He replies.

"Well then break up with me!" You say.

You're both in your room because your parents came back when the restrictions lifted.

"Fine. Maybe I will."

You don't even have a chance to tell him to wait, because he's gone in a flash.

It doesn't last long. A few days later he's out your door, apologizing.

You let him back, of course.

That summer, the parents you nanny for use their yearly vacation, which gives you three whole weeks of freedom. Things are good again, but they go downhill. Your parents are away, so you have the house to yourself.

This time he's accusing you of cheating.

"I just went out with Finn!"

"I bet he's not gay."

"I've known him for years, he is definitely gay."

"Guys just pretend so they can hit."

"Even if he wasn't, I wouldn't let him! I'm with you."

"I feel like you don't love me." He blurts out.

"Of course I love you."

One night, Finn is over and you're chatting.

"Are you sure he doesn't have insta?"

"He says he doesn't like social media." You reply.

"Send me a pic."


"I'm gonna reverse image search."

A few moments later, he gasps.


"He has a wife."

"You have a the wrong guy." You say, panic rising.

He shows you his phone, which has an instagram page on it. Your boyfriend's instagram.

"I think I need to be alone." You utter.

"Are you sure?"

"I'll text you."


The following day you have him over, and confront him.

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