22 ~ In the Clouds

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My eyes flutter open and I look up. Scarth looks down at me and smiles a little, her soft gaze shimmering with tears. I look over at Annika, who is knelt beside me. I am on my back and in a brightly lit room. I look over at Annika. She seems to have a halo about her head, one that shimmers. She blinks, a soft look in those eyes.

"Annika," I say.  "I think you're so pretty.... you're.... you're this pretty!"

She laughs.  "That's the medicine Irokillia gave you."

"It's wonderful... fully .... full."

"Irokillia," Scarth calls.  "I need you! Wren needs you!"

Mara appears behind Annika's shoulder. Her silver eyes glow bright like a pair of moons. She kneels down beside Annika and smiles a little sadly.

"You look worse for wear, Wren," she says.

"Shu'up," I slur.

I look over as Scarth and the girl who must be Irokillia come up to us. Irokillia's eyes are purple, with the whites of them being black instead, the same shade as her hair. Her tan skin seems to shine as she walks over, a smile forming on her face.

Irokillia bends forward, placing her hands on my chest. "She is drained from using so much of her power."

"What can we do to help her?" asks Annika.

"Nothing, well, nothing really. It's hard to treat the magic drain that she's feeling."

"Annika.... you're shiny," I say.

"Yes, well, thats the pain meds I gave you," says Irokillia, who, I must note, is also glowing.

My head tilts as I fade back into unconsciousness.

When I wake up, I am still feeling like I am floating in warm water, but my body isn't submerged. I sit up, and immediately, the world sways and tilts, and I nearly pass out again. I turn and look over at the room around me, which is now dim and lit only by candles.

But my head is swaying even as I stand up. I stumble to the doorway, where I search for any sign of Annika or Scarth. I turn as I hear footsteps, light and even, approaching me.

"Wren? What the hells are you doing up?" asks Annika as she emerges from the shadows. Her worried expression softens when she sees the look in my eyes. "Are you okay?"

I shake my head, but that causes me to sway. I stumble, and she catches me.  "Wren! What's wrong?"

"I dunno," I mumble.  "My body hurts."

"You shouldn't be feeling anything right now," Annika mutters, looking around. "Irokillia!  We need help here!"

I feel as though my legs are pudding, and I collapse, bringing Annika down with me. She holds me close as I drift in and out of wakefulness. Irokillia and Scarth run over to me and Annika then. I look at them, both seemingly scared.

"She said she's in pain," says Annika.  "But she shouldn't be in pain right now, right?"

"Oh," says Scarth, hand flying to her mouth.

"No," says Irokillia. "Come on, let's get her to my study."

I drift off in Annika's arms, wondering what is wrong with me ....

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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