Chapter 15: The Message

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The young elven boy's heart leapt as an Alchovian band began to play,

"Veileen, that's said, he came and destroyed a giant now dead named Galith! Tales of him spread,of courage, strength, and faith, he survived a fight of wrath. The giant's size was huge and ruled Alchov with his strength and might. But Veileen was wise, and he brought his courage against the giant's plight." The elve smiled. The folk song spoke of a hero that saved his home, the bowman who had saved Seaside Alchov from the rapacious Rapha Raders. "I know Veileen. A good man."

"Why yes. Yes, he is." A band member replied. The elve surveyed the small yet bustling coastal town of Seaside Alchov, his eyes twinkling in wonder. "I had been traveling for days. I'm glad to have finally arrived, although I miss my beloved back home."

The small band settled against a rickety wall near a makeshift hut. The leader of the group adjusted his lute and said, "Sorry to hear that." the Alchovian smiled wearily and continued, "We don't get many elvenkind around here. Although the governor often regales us with tales of him and an elven warrior named Eddipus."

On the pier, the boy smiled. He delighted in the sight of the vessels lined up to the docks and fishermen working to catch their dinner. Seaside Alchov was a paradise of tranquility. It warmed the heart of the blond elven youth.

The children screamed and laughed as they wrestled in the waters of the dockside loch. Its glimmering seemed to take on a life of its own, transforming the ordinary home into one of beauty.

"Where is Veileen?"

"The governor's hall." the band leader spoke, pointing to a wall.

"Beyond that cobble there. You can't miss it."

The boy's eyes widened.

"Thank you. Val and I have been through a lot." He grinned.

"A lot, ay? Well that's something isn't it." he laughed.

"It sure is," the boy mumbled. "Without him I wouldn't have survived."

The band leader's eyes narrowed as he scoffed incredulously, "Who do you think you are? Eddipus?" He paused for a moment, expecting some sort of answer, but instead the elven boy simply looked down at his hands. His voice was low and serious when he finally spoke, "I think I was... Eddipus. Now I am an Elven warrior and a messenger from the Master. War is coming."

The band mates gawked. "You can't be serious! Elves age every ten years, right?"

The boy blinked as he gazed out across the seemingly endless waters. His eyes grew wider, taking in every detail, and he realized that he looked entirely different from what he had days before. His body felt strange and foreign, yet familiar.

The boy spun and left the musicians behind as they began a new flurry of notes. He clung to the memories that he could remember: a woman who loved him back home, her name out of reach, his home fogged. But one question burned above all else. 'How did I get here?' He knew for certain the Master had sent him, yet it seemed like only moments ago he was an elder elve. Val came to his forethoughts, a long-standing ally who had fought beside him in many battles. One in particular against a rather large Darkling. The memories were foggy and jagged, a mix of clarity and obstruction. So much of the past was missing, though time was swiftly pulling itself back to him.

He was no more than seventeen and his chiseled face as well as his flowing blond hair were illuminated by the sunlight that also shimmered on the water's surface. Two children ran around him, skipping stones.

He approached the wall the minstrels had pointed out to him. "Well, well, well. My friend has made a name for himself." The boy grinned as he made his way past the cobbles and up a winding stair, his gaze lingering on a tarnished shield bolted to a fixture that housed plant life. He stopped at the door before knocking.

"Yes, he surely has made a name for himself indeed," he said softly, a smile tugging at his lips. He could barely contain his excitement of seeing an old friend again. Yet, despite the joyous moment, there was no denying why he was there. He kicked the dirt from his boots as he gazed at his surroundings.

He heaved a breath of salty air as he spied children wading in the rolling waters. Their eyes were alight with joy, searching for stones and hidden treasures beneath the surface. This was the heart of Seaside Alchov; the youth, ever laid back, never disappointed."A war is coming," Eddipus exhaled. "No time to enjoy the scenery."

He lifted his gaze to the door, determined to spread the Master's message. One more distant splash echoed in the Alchovian waters as a reminder of what they'd be fighting for. 'Cherish every moment of your youth,' he thought before stepping into the Governor's hall.

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