Kai's birthday | young Kai & Nya

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Kai, the resilient six-year-old boy, had faced the harsh reality of life earlier than most children. It had been several months since his parents had mysteriously disappeared without a trace. The memory of that fateful day still haunted him, and every night, he would sit in his small, dimly lit room, staring at the clock with an anxious heart.

As the clock's minute hand inched closer to midnight, a mixture of anticipation and sadness filled his heart. His seventh birthday was upon him, a milestone that should have been celebrated with laughter, cake, and colorful balloons. Instead, he was left to face the cruel world alone, with no one to sing him the traditional "Happy Birthday" song.

Kai's little sister, Nya, was too young to grasp the concept of birthdays or the heartache that had befallen their family. She lay soundly asleep in her crib, oblivious to the world's cruelties. Kai had taken on the role of protector, the big brother who tried his best to shield her from the harsh reality they now lived in.

As the clock struck midnight, Kai's emotions swelled within him. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he blinked them back, refusing to cry on this special day. He quietly climbed out of his bed and tiptoed to Nya's room, where he gazed at her innocent face, her soft, rhythmic breathing providing a glimmer of comfort.

With a heavy heart, Kai returned to his room and sat on the edge of his bed, hugging his knees to his chest. He began to reminisce about the happier times, the birthdays when his parents would throw him grand parties. They would bake a cake together, invite his friends over, and watch him blow out the candles, making a wish each year. Those memories felt like a distant dream now.

The sudden disappearance of his parents had left a void in his life that nothing could fill. He often wondered where they were, if they were safe, or if they were thinking about him and Nya. His young mind struggled to comprehend the complex emotions that swirled within him.

Kai's eyes remained fixated on the clock. He knew that he couldn't change the circumstances, but he could still make a wish. Closing his eyes, he silently whispered his desire for his parents' safe return, hoping against hope that they would one day come back.

As the hours passed and the world outside his window grew quiet, Kai realized that he had to be strong, not just for himself but for Nya. He couldn't let the pain of his parents' absence consume him. He had to be the guiding light in the darkness that had enveloped their lives.

With renewed determination, Kai made a silent promise to himself. He would protect Nya, he would never let her forget the love of their parents, and he would keep their memories alive in their hearts.

Exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster of his birthday night, Kai eventually drifted off to sleep as the early morning light continued to fill his room. His dreams were filled with memories of his parents and the laughter they once shared.

As the sun rose, casting a warm glow across the room, Nya, always full of youthful curiosity, decided it was time to join her big brother. With determination, she managed to escape from her crib, her tiny feet making soft thuds on the carpeted floor. She toddled her way to Kai's room.

Nya, standing on her tiptoes, leaned over Kai's bed. Her tiny fingers reached out, gently poking his nose. Kai stirred, his eyes slowly fluttering open. With a sleepy smile, he lifted his little sister from the side of the bed and cradled her in his arms.

Nya, always eager for her morning cuddles, snuggled under the warm blanket with Kai. However, as she nestled close to her brother, she noticed the melancholy in his eyes. Her own innocent gaze met his, and it was as if she could feel the heaviness in the room, the absence of their parents.

Kai held Nya closer, trying to hide his emotions, but he couldn't disguise the sadness that lingered in his eyes. He kissed her on the forehead, whispering softly, "Don't worry, Nya. Everything will be alright."

Ninjago: One Shots book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora