Family day - Part 2 | Kai & Nya

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As requested by UwU-1stylelik1-UwU here is a second part 😀


The Ninja, since moving into Sensei Yangs temple, had their visitor's always call them so one or two of the team could go get them. Cole and Zane heard the telephone and got up. "It's Kai and Nya's parents." Cole says. "Then we should go get them." Zane answers, going towards the front door.

Both of them summoned their elemental dragon's. Hopping on top of them, the two collected Kai and Nya's parents.

The siblings where sitting in Nya's room. Ready for a day with their parents. When the two heard the elemental dragon's of their friends, Nyas heart skipped a beat. She looked at Kai, her worry mirrored in his eyes. It was the moment they had both been dreading.

Nya's bedroom door swung open, and there stood their parents, a mix of excitement and nervousness in their expressions. Their mother, a warm smile on her face, looked at Nya in her dress and leggings and commented, "Nya, you look adorable in that outfit!"

Nya blushed but managed to offer a shy smile. "Thank you, Mom."

Their mother then turned her attention to Kai. "And Kai, you look great too!"

Kai nodded, still feeling a bit unsure but appreciating the compliment. "Thanks, Mom."

Their father stepped forward, his face filled with mixed emotions. "Hello, kids."

Kai and Nya exchanged glances before responding in unison, "Hi, Dad."

It was a moment filled with both tension and hope. Their parents, eager to make up for the lost years, began to explain their plans for the day. "We've prepared a special day for you both," their mother said with enthusiasm. "We'll start with a delicious breakfast right here at home."

Kai and Nya exchanged a glance, their uncertainty hidden beneath polite smiles.

Their father continued, "After breakfast, we're going to spend the day at the meseum. Your mother and I want to see what you have accomplished. Don't worry after that we'll go to the amusement park. And we'll finish it all off with a lovely picnic."

The children nodded, still absorbing the overwhelming prospect of a day with their parents. For Kai, who had faint memories of his parents from his very early years, there was a mix of emotions. He had missed them, but that didn't erase the uncertainty that had grown as he'd grown up without them. Nya, on the other hand, had no memories of them, so this was a completely new and somewhat intimidating experience.

Their parents, unaware of the complex emotions bubbling beneath the surface, were thrilled at the prospect of a day with their children. Kai and Nya silently hoped that maybe, just maybe, this day would mark the start of something beautiful and lasting.

Maya and Rey made their way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone. The two parents worked together seamlessly, cooking up a hearty breakfast to fuel the adventures ahead, knowing that there would be enough for everyone in the household.

As the delicious aroma of breakfast wafted through the house, Jay couldn't resist sneaking into Nya's room. He found her sitting on the edge of her bed, a mixture of excitement and apprehension in her eyes.

"Hey, Nya," Jay greeted her with a warm smile. "Do they know we're dating?"

Nya looked at Jay, her expression cautious. "No, Jay, not yet. I'm just not ready to share that with them."

Jay nodded understandingly. "I get it. It's a big step, especially given everything that's happening right now. You'll tell them when you're comfortable, no rush."

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