Chapter 12

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After the photo shoot, we emerged from the huge building to meet Julia, who was waiting for us outside. She took off her sunglasses.

"What are you doing here?" Puen spat.

"You're not answering my messages. So I asked for your schedule. You can't avoid me forever. "

"Maybe not, since we work together. But I'm warning you that our relationship will remain strictly professional from now on."

"She looked at me with a grimace, as if seeing me was a punishment."

"Did you talk about it ?"

"No." Puen growled. "If you don't want any problems, stay away from me."

With that, he continued on his way. Julia stood still, tears in her eyes, looking defeated. Then she turned her poisonous gaze on me.

"It's all because of you!" She shouted before storming off.

I joined Puen in the car and got behind the wheel.

"Are you angry with Julia?"

"Yes." He evaded answering.

"Has she done something terrible?"

"Yes. But it wasn't her who disappointed me the most."

"What do you mean ? Who are you talking about?"

He rested his head against the glass and closed his eyes.

"I'm not talking about anyone. "

When I got to the front of his building, I stopped.

"Aren't you coming ?"

"You promise your friends won't turn up?"

"I promise."

So I went and parked in the private car park.

As soon as Puen walked in the door, he rushed to his couch.

"I'm exhausted." He sighed. "I could do with a beer."

"I'll get you some water instead." I grumbled.

I took the jug of water from the fridge and my eyes fell on a shiny object. When I realised what it was, my hand released its grip on the carafe and it fell. The sound of shattering glass caused a deafening crash. In a second, I felt Puen beside me.

"Are you all right? "

I nodded, still staring at the jewel. It was a necklace with an hourglass pendant. I instinctively touched my neck and found it empty. It could only be mine. There were the same silver wires forming patterns on the hourglass. I recognised the refined work of the craftsman who had his workshop near the beach. I hadn't even realised I'd lost it. But how had Puen got hold of the necklace?

"I'm sorry, I got distracted. I'll buy you another jug."

"Don't bother. The important thing is that you are not hurt."

He began to sweep up the pieces of glass.

"That's a pretty necklace. Where did you get it?"

"At the hotel. I should have given it to the reception but I couldn't help myself and I took it. "

"Why did you take it? That thing doesn't look expensive."

"The hourglass has a special meaning for me."

He froze, his fingers feeling around the broom handle, then he came to life. When he'd finished cleaning up, I'd stayed in the same place, motionless. He took some beers.

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