Chapter 3

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I was sitting on the stairs in front of the agency. If I listened to myself, I would get out of here. Anger crawled under my skin and tensed my body, possessing me and and wanting to push me to go back inside to end this stupid live. I thought getting some air would help me calm down, but their kiss was playing over and over in my head like a broken record. I took out my phone and connected to the agency's website. Puen and Julia were continuing the Q&A session as if nothing had happened, while the fans hadn't moved on. The comments were filled with joy that they were finally together.

"What the hell am I doing ?" I grumbled as I tucked my phone into the pocket of my denim jacket.

I had left a world that was not my own, only to find myself in another equally foreign one. I held my head in my hands and sighed. I wasn't sure if I could pretend I wasn't affected by all this.

I didn't know how much time passed, but a shadow cast itself over me. I turned and found that it was Puen's. He smiled at me, his eyes squinting.

"Shall we go ?''

I held back a grunt.

"Where ?" I asked.

"Home. I'm tired."

Despite his smile, I could see his fatigue. My anger didn't disappear, but it did diminish somewhat. Then it was replaced by panic. I didn't know where he lived !

" Why me? Where is the car you came with in this morning ?''

His eyebrow rose.

" The agency sent me a driver since I told them you were unreachable. But since you finally came, you can do your job...right?"

I should have run when I had the chance.

" Uh wait a second...'' I said as I ran back into the building.

I ran to Madee who was filing her nails.

"You know Puen's address by any chance ?!''

She tilted her head to the side, staring silently at me for a moment.


"Do you have Niran's number?''

He had to have that information. Otherwise, I was screwed.

"You don't have it?" She asked.

" Oh...''

I picked up my phone and looked through my contact list. I found him listed as 'Niran Asshole'. I called him immediately.

His disgruntled voice answered.

"What do you want ?"

"Can you send me Puen's address ?"

"Did you take a blow to the head so you don't remember?"

"Please, it's urgent.''

He sighed.

" I don't understand what's going on, Talay. But you really need to pull yourself together. I'll text you the address."

"Thank y..." I said but he had already hung up. A second later, I received the location. The trip took about ten minutes.

Ten minutes trapped with him in the same car...Great.

I entered the address into the GPS on my phone and put an AirPod in one ear. I hoped it would do the trick to be discreet.

I joined Puen, who followed me to my car. I sat behind the wheel and tensed up when I heard the right door open. Puen sat down, dropping his bag at his feet and sinking comfortably into his seat. He rested his head against the headrest and closed his eyes. I continued to look at him without a word.

" Uh...shouldn't you sit in the back? "


" Because you're a star."

He let out a laugh.

" I'm fine here. "

Except I wasn't comfortable. I would have liked more distance. Every cell in my body was aware of his presence.

I turned the key and the engine started with a roar.  The silence settled down and nobody seemed to break it. I glanced to the side and thought he had fallen asleep. But I saw his eyelids tremble as he spoke.

" You missed the turn."

Shit...I hoped my mistake didn't make the trip even longer.

From my peripheral vision, I saw that he had turned on his phone. He was reading an article with the headline: 'The film industry's princess and prince finally a couple?

I couldn't resist asking the question.

"Can you explain to me what that kiss was?" I asked, trying to keep my voice neutral.

Which I failed to do. It didn't matter, I would sound like a pissed off manager. He couldn't know that my bad mood was because of something else... like  jealousy.

"Julia and her whims," He evaded, shruggring.

"Is that all you have to say?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"There's nothing going on between you two?"

I felt his eyes on me as I tried to keep mine on the road.

"No, there's nothing. I spoke with her and it won't happen again." He said calmly.

"Aren't you worried? Do you realize what effect this will have? Or should I say : that it has already."

I saw him frown.

"Since when do you care about my career?"

His question took me by surprise. I had to calm down before I said something stupid.

"It's a manager."

"What's going on with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've never been so serious about your work."

A nervous laugh escaped me.

"Oh...Maybe I've decided to change. My behavior was making life difficult for a lot of people."

" leave me speechless. I could almost believe in miracles."

I rolled my eyes.

"Stop!" He said suddenly." We've arrived."

Indeed, I noticed the female voice of the GPS telling me again that I had arrived at my destination.

I slammed on the brake pedal and pulled the car to the side of the road. We were in a rather posh neighborhood, just by looking at the luxurious cars and the infrastructures that looked almost new.

He picked up his bag and opened the door. He glanced over his shoulder at me.

"Do you want to come ?"


No way.

"Come on." He insisted.


I looked in the rearview mirror to make him understand that he had to leave, but his fingers wrapped around my wrist to immobilize my hand. I turned to face him with the intention of sending him packing when his gaze silenced me.

"I don't want to be alone." He explained softly.

His sweet voice made me shiver. His eyes caught mine, not letting go for a second. He had this sad expression that was hard to ignore.

Pull yourself together !

He was an actor. He knew how to play with his facial features. This is just a ploy to get you into the wolf's den.

He leaned toward me, closing the distance between us. I looked into his coffee eyes and felt like I was drowning in them.

"Please." He said.

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